August Updates

about 2 years ago


844 Total Respect


844 Respect

about 2 years ago

The list below is a summary of most updates, additions and fixes sincethe last update post, this is not an exhaustive list. Features appearing in thepost below may not necessarily be in their final state and may change insubsequent updates.

Overthe past month I've had the pleasure to welcome quite a few friends to the gamefor the first time since starting on this project and with their help we'vemanaged to test most areas of the game and make it a better experience than Iever could have on my own. Although the game has still got a long way to gountil I'll personally be happy with it, it's been brilliant to see how quicklywe can improve it based on the feedback of those that are playing dailyalready.


  • Completed move from CosmosDB to SQL.
  • Reimplemented Forum Categories so that they're loaded from app config rather than the database.
  • Improved Forum load times.
  • Improved Hospital and Jail release mechanics.
  • Improved level up code to handle edge-cases better.
  • Improved Item Market, now loads each category dynamically upon clicking it rather than loading all offers.
  • Implemented default price per item in Item Market.
  • Profile signature box on profiles is now hidden if no signature is available.
  • Implemented new Cookie-based status's on many pages.
  • Seperated out Bank Models for better code extensibility in future.
  • Added viewed status on player received mails.
  • Added new status icon when unread Mails have been received.
  • Updated many pages to redirect after form input to reduce form resubmission.
  • Added 'Money Mugged' stat to attack records.
  • Added Donator status to players profiles.
  • Production buy option is now grayed out if a player cannot afford to buy them.
  • Implemented midnight resets of free heals, buyable items etc.
  • Updated Forum so that you now by default are directed to the Categories view showing a summary of all posts.
  • Added Cartel member attack records to Cartels page.
  • Removed the node_modules folder from the build process, speeding up my ability to deploy new updates.
  • Added new default Cartel image.
  • Added the ability to reset players password in Settings.
  • Added the ability to leave a Cartel.
  • Implemented a new welcome message to new players.
  • Top navigation is now scrollable on mobile if it doesn't fit on-screen.
  • Chats will now switch rather than overlaying eachother.
  • Rebalanced Jobs so that there are more failure outcomes but successes pay better.
  • Implemented versioning on all JavaScript and CSS files to reduce caching issues.
  • Added text under navigation items on Mobile.
  • Reduced level Reputation requirements.
  • Increased number of historical chat messages that load.
  • Added the ability to change a players profile image in Settings.
  • Increased chat character limit to 240.
  • Chats now appear in descending order with new messages added to the top.
  • Implemented a new confirmation on attacking and mugging.
  • Implemented player online and last active status on profiles.
  • Added the ability to hide the Help information shown on pages.
  • Implemented new Player Preference options in Settings.
  • improved Attack load times.
  • The Jobs page is now viewable whilst in Jail.
  • Updated Attack record events in Cartels, there is now a seperate event shown for attack draws.
  • Updated Production profits and costs.
  • Production page now shows all available productions with those not currently attainable being grayed out.


  • Fixed University pages not loading for new players
  • Fixed donator bug
  • Fixed bug where wrong category was selected on new thread in forums.
  • Fixed bug where pagination buttons showed over chat windows.
  • Fixed likes and dislikes in forum not working as expected.
  • Fixed Hospital timer not showing as expected.
  • Fixed bug where perks that applied multiple effects would only apply the first effect.
  • Fixed issue where public updates page wouldn't load.
  • Fixed energy and life refills timers not appearing in some cases.
  • Fixed issue where new players couldn't attack others.
  • Fixed shop buying and selling bugs found by new players.
  • Fixed attack events not appearing for players.
  • Fixed default player profile image not appearing in some cases.
  • Fixed Bank withdrawing/Depositing for new players.
  • Fixed Mail sending for new players.
  • Fixed formatting issue in sent emails.
  • Fixed profile signature editing.
  • Fixed issue where Jobs wouldn't award the correct items in some cases.
  • Fixed the daily Productions scheduled job.
  • Fixed Cartel creation not working for new players.
  • Fixed bug where new Cartel Capo wasn't granted all permissions.
  • Fixed Cartel events not appearing in some cases.
  • Fixed bug where Donator Packs didnd't grant Donator days in some cases.
  • Fixed bug where remaining days of Donator showed incorrect value.
  • Fixed Energy and Life refills.
  • Fixed new Signups being directed to error page in some cases.
  • Fixed bug where player search returned no results in some cases.
  • Fixed bug where new Cartel founded event didn't fire properly.
  • Fixed bug where setting forum signature actually set the players profile signature.
  • Fixed University course not being startable by new players.
  • Fixed bug where cartel applications showed the current players own stats in some cases.
  • Fixed Top navigation menu not being centered on mobile.
  • Fixed Bank taking 1% of deposits rather than 0.1%
  • Fixed bug where clicking player names in chat redirected to error page.
  • Fixed bug where players with no items caused error in Item Market.
  • Fixed bug where purchasing items in the Item Market didn't reduce quantity available.
  • Fixed disbanding Cartel not removing all Cartel Perks.
  • Fixed issue where Cartel status icon wouldn't appear in some cases.
  • Fixed bug where player profile wouldn't load in some cases whilst in Hospital.
  • Added missing 'Level Up' check on Job completion.
  • Fixed bug where special characters in profile or forum signature stopped updates.
  • Fixed issue with updating player profile images.
  • Fixed a bug where new players couldn't gain Job experience.
  • Fixed bug where 'My Threads' showed a specific players threads.
  • Fixed bug where Forum Category Names wouldn't appear as expected.
  • Fixed job failure chance bug.
  • Fixed Hospital and Jail timings on Job failures.
  • Fixed bug where equipping the same weapon or armour as already equipped stacked that weapon or armour.
  • Fixed issue where daily reset job didn't run successfully.
  • Fixed Jail release being instant in some cases.
  • Fixed Jail release bribery values.

    Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!