October Updates

almost 2 years ago


844 Total Respect


844 Respect

almost 2 years ago

The list below is a summary of most updates, additions and fixes since the last update post, this is not an exhaustive list. Features appearing in the post below may not necessarily be in their final state and may change in subsequent updates.

Updates have started to slow down a little over the past month due to other real-life commitments such as my upcoming wedding, a variety of large-scale work projects and just generally life getting in the way. I'm no less committed to Cartel Empire however and appreciate every report and suggestion I've received over the past month. Keep them coming!


  • Updated all Node.JS dependencies
  • Implemented new Player 7-day attack protection
  • Implemented Apple Touch icon
  • Implemented new chat message alerts
  • Added /signup and /register pages, added button that links to registration on homepage
  • Added buyable Medical items to the Pharmacy
  • Slightly increased bug costs of items in shops.
  • Added randomness to Job Experience gains.
  • Removed excessive spacing below navigation on mobile
  • Improved Highscore loading
  • Implemented 'Personal Favours' an item that causes release form Jail.
  • Restyled entire Donator page to improve layout and styles on Desktop and Mobile.
  • Made Donator Page responsive.
  • Added ability to offer savings on multiple DP purchases.
  • Made Inventory fully responsive
  • Alcohol usage now shows additional stats in Inventory.
  • Improved Job Cancellation button, added confirmation.
  • Balanced all Job Reputation gains.
  • Simplified attack damage calculations
  • Improved Attack controller code to reduce resource usage.
  • Implemented 'Street Crimes' production, unlocked at 1200 rep.
  • Perks on user homepage now show 'Permanent' if they have no end-date
  • Changed 'Go Shopping' to 'Visiting' in the Town. 
  • Implemented 'Drug Den', a town location where players can sell produced drugs
  • Implemented daily randomisation of drug values, allowing for potential profit by trading
  • Improved Attack report mesages
  • Users inactive for 3 days now receive message stating productions will go inactive soon.
  • Users inactive for 4 days will no longer receive production profits.
  • Improved Chat erro message handling.
  • Total, Active and Idle narco's now update dynamically on Productions page.
  • Improved SEO and accessibility of Homepage.
  • Improved balancing ob Jobs that produce items to increase item production.
  • Added proper pagination to User and Cartel searches
  • Added a Welcome mail for new users
  • Updated Intelligence gain to show 3 decimal places.
  • Added 'Time Remaining' field for University courses
  • Implemented 'Server Time' clock.
  • Completely restyled top-bar on mobile.
  • Hid Battlestat highscore vlaues and names.
  • Imlemented maximum job success chance for all jobs.
  • Implemented confirmation for Sign Out.
  • Standardised all public page styles.
  • Major chat overhaul to guarantee privacy of Cartel chats.
  • Reduced Bounty cost to target level x 1000
  • Added 'New Threads' window to forum.
  • Update Trades to be responsive.
  • Implemented 'Wanted Poster' on profiles with active Bounties. (Thanks Jablesi - 32!)
  • Updated Arson job description.
  • Reduced number of events and attack records shown on Cartels page to 5. Added 'View All' button for each.
  • Implemented recording of Donator purchases.
  • Implemented template for pagination buttons and applied globally.
  • Implemented small chance of most Jobs awarding a 'Personal Favour' item.
  • Restyle of Homepage to add in some colour (less bland gray!)
  • Updated Privacy Policy to cover storage of transaction records.
  • Updated 'All Updates' page to bring it inline with other public pages.
  • Implemented status icon for active Bounties.
  • Updated PayPal configuration to new dedicated Cartel Empire account.


  • Fixed pagination buttons showing when they shouldn't.
  • Fixed incorrect pagination buttons in several cases.
  • Fixed typo in Productions event message
  • Fixed edge-case where new forum comments wouldn't appear
  • Fixed Highscore pagination
  • Fixed Item market sell pane not appearing if user has no sellable items.
  • Fixed Item market Total value not updating
  • Fixed bug where hidden highscores would appear in certain cases
  • Fixed Jail release setting Life to maximum.
  • Fixed bug that caused excessive alcohol cooldowns
  • Fixed Unviersity courses not ending correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed JS bug where Cancel Job button wasn't replaced with 'Finish Job' in some cases.
  • Fixed bug where ammo perks didn't apply to defender
  • Fixed attack loss not updating currentLife to 0
  • Fixed bug where attack record ID wasn't properly returned.
  • Fixed bug where attacks would only use the first Ammo Reduction perk.
  • Fixed Production bug where productions that do not require supply items failed to complete in some cases
  • Fixed missing attack loss message when viewing another persons attack record.
  • Fixed Point refills requiring over 25 points.
  • Fixed bug where players could assign more Narco's than they had in some cases.
  • Fixed Item Market selling not defaulting Quantity to maximum.
  • Fixed typo's on Gym page.
  • Fixed bug where bank deposits deposited all held cash.
  • Fixed Forum Thread 'Last Viewed' not being correct in some cases.
  • Fixed Confirm and Cancel buttons appearing on expired Trades.
  • Fixed issue that caused excessive Player Logs.
  • Fixed bug that allowed users to receive multiple Donator Packs from single purchase.
  • Fixed $ symbol appearing rather than £ in some cases.
  • Fixed issue that limited 'New Thread' suggestions.
  • Fixed Forum comments all linking to the thread creator rather than comment submitters.
  • Fixed bug where point sales in Item Market didn't send seller the money.
  • Fixed bug where 'Complete Job' button wouldn't appear if the page was loaded with less than a second remaining.
  • Fixed bug that caused new signups to crash the game.

Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!