It's been another very busy month with many bug fixes and new features added. The current major focus is implementing Cartels and all the fun that goes along with that.
Added Cash and Point trading to player trades
Began implementation of the shops functionality
Implemented Mateos Premium Warehouse shop
Implemented new Pharmacy shop
Began implementation of banking functionality.
Implemented savings account in bank
Implemented mugging players
Implemented forum signatures
Implemented Cartel creation, cartel events, cartel membership and cartel member permissions
Updated all used packages to the latest release.
Templated the help box found on many pages, they can now be expanded rather than being open all the time.
Added a new Cartel status symbol
Implemented Cartel public profiles and editing of them.
Added public Cartel image
Implemented Cartel applications and review process
Added a new favicon of a skull
Fixed trades not being acceptable unless items were added
Fixed toplink bars not navigating correctly in some cases
Fixed Cartel application for new players
Fixed Cartel apply page not loading in some cases for new players
Stopped players being able to create multiple cartel applications
It's been another very busy month with many bug fixes and new features added. The current major focus is implementing Cartels and all the fun that goes along with that.