January Updates

over 1 year ago


844 Total Respect


844 Respect

over 1 year ago

The list below is a summary of most updates, additions and fixes since the last update post, this is not an exhaustive list. Features appearing in the post below may not necessarily be in their final state and may change in subsequent updates.

Well it seems we've got through another month and the start of a new year. This month brings a shed load of bug fixes, some of our biggest changes to the game since it's public release a few months ago and a nice new feature of being able to own and train Dogs to assist you in attacks and defends.


  • Implemented Blackjack in the Casino.
  • Completely rebuilt fight stat calculations to provide a fairer experience.
  • Reduced maximum fight turns to 20.
  • Defenders now earn a small amount of rep on a successfull defence.
  • Increased BM1060 - Leadership Practive benefit to 20% increase to ownable Productions from 5%
  • Implemented the ability to delete Mails
  • Capped Int gain from University and University courses at 1000
  • Reduced Intelligence gain from studying
  • Added ability for admins to see last 100 actions a player has taken
  • Added link to the Cartel Forum on the Cartel page
  • Added Cartel events when players join and leave.
  • Added minimised pagination buttons to Highscores.
  • Improved reputation gain logic after fights.
  • Added a new Blackjack rules page
  • Added drug overdose effect description to Cannabis and Cocaine items.
  • Cartel pages that require permissions are no longer accessible without them.
  • Gave the Casino Dealer a name (hey Swaff!)
  • Reversed order of chat windows
  • Rewrote Chats code to properly utilise Sockets
  • Implemented Private chats between players
  • Added thousands seprate to Personal Stats on profile
  • Decreased cost of buying multiple Donator Packs
  • Introduced reduced effectiveness for each additional Production of same type owned, each additional Production is roughly x0.97 as effective as the previous one.
  • Each additional Production will now cost x1.15 the previous one
  • Changed 'Crooked Doctor's Office' to 'Doctors Office'
  • Introduced Hospitalisation attack which gives a much longer hospitalisation time of target with reduced rep gain.
  • Reduced attack hospital time to 50 minutes base
  • Reduced mug hospital time to roughly 12.5 minutes base
  • Hospitalisation time is 100 minutes base
  • Bounties may now only be claimed by Hospitalising opponent
  • Have removed the ability for release from Hospital now that people have started to unlock Productions and produce Medical Items.
  • Reduced mugging rep gain to x0.5 normal attack
  • Reduced Hospitalisation rep gain to x0.75 normal
  • Added maximum booster, drug and medical cooldown to status icons hover
  • Made Mails To and From fields clickable
  • Each new Update post is now a seperate page on the public site.
  • Implemented Bounty expiry, Bounties now expire after 7 days
  • Stopped Bank Deposit and Withdraw buttons being clickable for non-valid values
  • Fixed Item Market offers count, paramatarised all item market database queries to improve security
  • Implemented new Dogs feature, pet Shop, feeding and training, new University courses etc.
  • Removed Actions box from own public profile
  • Added ability to reset Pet Shop dog slots using Points
  • Added display of how many more items can be bought in the same day
  • Added the ability to transfer ownership of Cartels

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed potential Gym exploit
  • Fixed issue with Job Completions not working in some cases
  • Fixed bug where Cartel Events showed wrong Cartel
  • Players joining a Cartel will now receive all applicable perks correctly
  • Fixed attackers life not being reduced on a draw
  • Fixed Item Market showing error is user had Points but no sellable items
  • Fixed images on Cartel profile being wider than container
  • Fixed typo on University page.
  • Fixed issue with hit chance
  • Fixed Highscore pagination.
  • Fixed attack error that caused crash if max turns was reached
  • Fixed multiple reported issues with Blackjack
  • Fixed midnight resets not working correctly.
  • Fixed chats memory leak
  • Fixed Inventory send item prompt not showing correct user.
  • Fixed ability to buy 10/20 Donator packs
  • Fixed Blackjack issues caused by chats update
  • Fixed narco cap being miscalculated during Productions job
  • Fixed Production events typo
  • Fixed Buy button not appearing on some Productions
  • Minor fix for selling Production giving wrong cash amount
  • Fixed bug where chat input is cleared when a new chat arrives
  • Fixed Hospitalise action on profiles showing as double mug option.
  • Fix to clear private chat message box when sending new chat
  • Fixed issue that caused Hospitalise to mug in some cases
  • Fixed error page showing blank and causing app crash
  • Removed invalid 'Studying takes all of your energy' text from University
  • Fixed bug that caused Production Ownership from courses to apply to locked Productions
  • Fixed ItemMarket maximum quantity not updating correctly.
  • Fixed crash caused by player with no courses completed accessing Pet Shop
  • Fixed crash when setting dog as primary
  • Fixed limit on buying items in Shops
  • Removed the Ability for common dogs to have 0 in a stat

Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!