Proposition for the Property Upkeep Penalty System

13 days ago


21 Total Respect


21 Respect

13 days ago

Dear players, here is a proposition for the Property Upkeep Penalty System

1. Late Fees (Fair & Activity-Based)

    + 30% Late Fees (The daily upkeep cost increases by Penalty % (e.g., 30% penalty → 30% more upkeep per day).)

        - Late Fees only increase when the player is active. (Less than 3 days ago online), If a player is offline for an extended period (e.g., vacation), the penalty won’t increase during their absence.
        - When they return, the unpaid upkeep resumes accumulating based on their last activity.

    Cap late fees at 50% of the original upkeep cost (to avoid making debt impossible to recover from).
This system prevents punishing players for taking breaks but still rewards regular play and maintenance.

2. Bailiff & Bounty System (Progressive Financial Consequences)
    + 50% Penalty – Employees Are Unhappy

    Street Narcos financial production is halved.
    Flavor text notifications:
        “Your crew is losing respect for you. Street-level earnings are down by 50%.”
        “Your accountant warns you: ‘We’re leaking money faster than we’re making it.’”

    +75% Penalty – Bailiffs Place Bounties

    Every additional 5% penalty after 75% triggers a bounty on your head worth 5% of the total owed upkeep.
    Bounties are taken from your cash on hand first, then from property vault and finally from Bank money.
          (If you run out of money no bounty is placed, congrats you are broke ! :))

    Example: At 86%, you’ll have 3 active bounties chasing you down.

    +100% Penalty – Total Chaos (Random Events, 4 per day)

    You’re officially in deep trouble. Four random events hit you daily, IE:
        “The gardener didn’t get his payment, so he brought some friends to teach you a lesson.” → Hospitalized for X hours or life reduced.
        “The chef, fed up with missed payments, adds ‘extra spices’ to your food. Hospital visit incoming.”
        *“An unpaid employee snitched. The FBI raided your mansion.” → Jailed for X hours
        “Your driver sold information to a rival gang. Your next operation fails automatically.”

Note the system is cumulatif. Ie: at 100% you will have:

    - 50% Late fees
    - 6 bounties each worth 5% of total owed upkeep
    - Get 4 random events with jailtime, or hospital time, or no time but life reduced
What we are striving for is:

    - Fair for Inactive Players – No extra punishment for being offline for some time.
    - Encourages paying upkeep on time – Regular upkeeps payment prevent penalties from stacking uncontrollably.
    - Fun & Immersive – Realistic penalties wrapped in entertaining, flavorful events.
    - Player-Driven Consequences – Bounties involve the player community, adding risk and reward.

But we really welcome any feedback, ideas or concerns in this discussion.


13 days ago


1,150 Total Respect


1,150 Respect

13 days ago

Jointo's stepping out from behind the curtain, he's been doing an amazing job over the past month or so helping to develop some of our new features including the new Casino games and the gallery.

This post is to gather some feedback on the proposal for potential affects that property upkeep could have. We'd love any feedback and thoughts!

Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!

12 days ago


1 Total Respect


1 Respect

12 days ago

Very well thought through. Criminals are not above the law! +1

Also a very pleasant surprise Jointo, I love your but was a little suspect of what you would do with the API keys. Not anymore though LOL. Thanks for making a good game better! CE looks to be in good hands and this whole progress makes me want to continue supporting the game, love it

12 days ago


74 Total Respect


74 Respect

12 days ago

I like the all the ideas including the inconvenience of the random events/bounties. One thing I see is it's easy to get out of jail/med out of hospital but there are some big players that 90% of the player base couldn't hit or wouldn't bother hitting for bounties and it feels like stronger players could tank the punishments above. 

One good way which would be more threatening to stronger players would be something that affects gym gains or effective stats.

Maybe something like an NPC attacking you with a 4 hour hospital time which leaves you with a 'Crippled' status effect which reduces stats by 20% for 24 hours every 72 hours making you more of a target? 

💰Money Mugged: £421,996,364 Bounties Claimed: £22,814,000 💀

**Accurate from 04/03/2025**
Credit to BEEPS/JoiNto for assisting with values



12 days ago


49 Total Respect


49 Respect

12 days ago

Really noice system, but about Bailiffs Place Bounties, it might cause that account quite unplayable at some point since it take all ur cash away

it would be better if add a limit about bounties and add those fee on the upkeep, instead of just taking the money away from you

also may add reputations penalty? after reach central Penalty, your necros might start disappearing in you, you start losing reputation and your necros start leaving you overtime. 

the rep loss is based on how many narcos you have, eventually your rep will go back to 0 and you won't have any necros left.

this won't affect your level and the nacros will come back when your rep go up again, so it won't completely ruin your account 

anyway this is a really noice post, thanks for all your noice works :D

edit3: also could we have a new course about increase personal favor drop rate, reduce daily upkeeps and as well as reduce the jail times?

edit4: much more readable :p

Last Edited 26/02/2025, 05:18:03

Last Edited 06/09/2420, 06:09:42

12 days ago


1,150 Total Respect


1,150 Respect

12 days ago

I like the all the ideas including the inconvenience of the random events/bounties. One thing I see is it's easy to get out of jail/med out of hospital but there are some big players that 90% of the player base couldn't hit or wouldn't bother hitting for bounties and it feels like stronger players could tank the punishments above. 

One good way which would be more threatening to stronger players would be something that affects gym gains or effective stats.

Maybe something like an NPC attacking you with a 4 hour hospital time which leaves you with a 'Crippled' status effect which reduces stats by 20% for 24 hours every 72 hours making you more of a target? 

DAN - 25/02/2025, 11:06:11

I love the idea of having some actual status effects from this as well

Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!

12 days ago


128 Total Respect


128 Respect

12 days ago

I like dan's idea of an NPC making the hit, The bounties are a nice touch, but for players that are stronger a bounty isn't going to do much, i don't think a stat decrease is therefore needed; and honestly a bit much. (talking about Dan's suggestion). But the idea of a status affect is good. 

In saying that, i could come around to a stat decrease.. not off the table, in my mind. 

As for everything You mentioned Jointo, i think it's good. 

Last Edited 25/02/2025, 11:33:59

12 days ago


-10 Total Respect


-10 Respect

12 days ago

I like the punishments


I get we got to look after those offline for long periods of time, but if can't keep up with mortgage payments your house is gone, should keep it somewhat realistic in that sense have it so once the upkeep reaches the value of the house it's sold back to the estate agent, with the player receiving 40% of the material cost back this way it isn't a total loss but a warning as it will take a long time to reach the value of the property.


While maintaining the above have progressive punishments added to encourage them to pay again bounties for sure and production penalties.

For those that are very old players that could just abuse said system put stat decrease for every 5m over say 20m unpaid say 2% decrease till all stats with 0 cap this then also allows smaller players to go after larger older players for bounty achievements while maintaining the older players stop themselves from becoming part of a signature that's built on humiliation.

Along with that gym gains penalties, Job penalties while you owe over 5m your jobs becoming extremely risky including any that have P10, Gym gains decrease by 5% each day you owe till you are running negative 

Seeing that renting is becoming available these also make sure the system can't be abused and any and all upkeep gets paid 


It's not nice punishments but more a case of F around and Find out 






pirates of the caribbean jack sparrow gif | WiffleGif

12 days ago


66 Total Respect


66 Respect

12 days ago

I like the punishments


I get we got to look after those offline for long periods of time, but if can't keep up with mortgage payments your house is gone, should keep it somewhat realistic in that sense have it so once the upkeep reaches the value of the house it's sold back to the estate agent, with the player receiving 40% of the material cost back this way it isn't a total loss but a warning as it will take a long time to reach the value of the property.


While maintaining the above have progressive punishments added to encourage them to pay again bounties for sure and production penalties.

For those that are very old players that could just abuse said system put stat decrease for every 5m over say 20m unpaid say 2% decrease till all stats with 0 cap this then also allows smaller players to go after larger older players for bounty achievements while maintaining the older players stop themselves from becoming part of a signature that's built on humiliation.

Along with that gym gains penalties, Job penalties while you owe over 5m your jobs becoming extremely risky including any that have P10, Gym gains decrease by 5% each day you owe till you are running negative 

Seeing that renting is becoming available these also make sure the system can't be abused and any and all upkeep gets paid 


It's not nice punishments but more a case of F around and Find out 






JACKSPARROW - 25/02/2025, 12:15:10

Overall nice ideas in the whole thread. Making jobs extremely risky, how can a player make money if they cannot complete jobs easily to sell resources? If they are already heavily penalised on the daily narcos this will make it hard to come back should it go to an extreme. Agree on gym stat decrease! 

Is there going to be an auto pay option? Maybe a longterm user is happy to click this even if they go AWOL for a while

12 days ago


115 Total Respect


115 Respect

12 days ago

TBH the bounties thingies could be exploited to clean up and gather small amount of money from multi(es), AFAIK they got bunch of money saved.

Also it could be negated by exploting ghost trades, items or even easily liquidated assets like i held into now.

It would be nice if that overdue players has their selling into market or npc are disabled, but not trades this also means ghost trade exploits issue still remains.

Late Fees would be nice, but lacking punishment are bad as if its implemented i wont ever pay my fee like usual.

Ballif also great, as people will care about their money maker not making much money or even running into red, and it will push them into paying the fees.


I do agreed with DAN's suggestion about NPC hosping and debuffing you,

As we need to keep mind that renting system are coming, thats are the most viable way to keep people paying their fees without being too punishing for them, it would be great if the hosping would be more frequent if they got higher debt/fees, up to 6 times a day, which is perma hospitalization, which making the game unplayable.

And With that renting feature in mind we do need sort of npc to handle the debt too, it would be great if the same npc that took the role would take the punishing job.

Not only that too, it would be best paired with ballif and bounties for longer period of time, in case if they didnt rely on Jobs Income and just doing trades and production.

Live with SAGE [1999]


Sage 2








12 days ago


-10 Total Respect


-10 Respect

12 days ago

I like the punishments


I get we got to look after those offline for long periods of time, but if can't keep up with mortgage payments your house is gone, should keep it somewhat realistic in that sense have it so once the upkeep reaches the value of the house it's sold back to the estate agent, with the player receiving 40% of the material cost back this way it isn't a total loss but a warning as it will take a long time to reach the value of the property.


While maintaining the above have progressive punishments added to encourage them to pay again bounties for sure and production penalties.

For those that are very old players that could just abuse said system put stat decrease for every 5m over say 20m unpaid say 2% decrease till all stats with 0 cap this then also allows smaller players to go after larger older players for bounty achievements while maintaining the older players stop themselves from becoming part of a signature that's built on humiliation.

Along with that gym gains penalties, Job penalties while you owe over 5m your jobs becoming extremely risky including any that have P10, Gym gains decrease by 5% each day you owe till you are running negative 

Seeing that renting is becoming available these also make sure the system can't be abused and any and all upkeep gets paid 


It's not nice punishments but more a case of F around and Find out 






JACKSPARROW - 25/02/2025, 12:15:10

Overall nice ideas in the whole thread. Making jobs extremely risky, how can a player make money if they cannot complete jobs easily to sell resources? If they are already heavily penalised on the daily narcos this will make it hard to come back should it go to an extreme. Agree on gym stat decrease! 

Is there going to be an auto pay option? Maybe a longterm user is happy to click this even if they go AWOL for a while

N_E_X_U_S - 25/02/2025, 12:21:21

Fair point made, I guess not to the full extreme but enough to make them want to get back to paying off the debt

pirates of the caribbean jack sparrow gif | WiffleGif