Remembered in history?

over 1 year ago


33 Total Respect


33 Respect

over 1 year ago

  Lots of notifications trying to run down my mobile battery, you gotta calm down, my battery is not strong like the car battery I picked up from the junkyard. 

 Some days ago, territories were introduced to Cartel Empire. AP claimed the first, followed by Crime Scene, then Los Locos. It all needed just three days of rest for the first territory war to be unleashed. 

 But before that, a lil info came up that Los Locos are preparing for a war against Ravage, because they thought Ravage will unleash attack on them for the territory war, reason being that Ravage went on rampage/barrels of attack lately. Guess this is where all the saying goes, don't believe everything you see in the billboard. No need looking for a billboard tho, CE has non. 

 Los Locos was worried about the wrong reason until a message from the Devil itself came along. Imagine a thief writing to you that they are going to attack you and collect your property. But in this case, we don't know who the thief is cos there's no real owner of the property. 

Los Locos got a non-friendly message in a friendly way.......

JOKER: JABLESI: we'll probably assault you

guys a bit later JABLESI: just a warning to

give you guys some time to prepare. not that i

have really told our guys either >.< JABLESI:

just want to see how the warring works

 Okay Jab, we know this ain't friendly at all, and a time to prepare? Then attack follows suit. What a nice way to go on about it. But who's gonna complain, definitely not me or Locos either. We will wait to see if the expanding stops in one place, but I do say **** no. Territory warring system brought out the evil in us, and I do be expecting much more even. 

 Talking with the Capo of Fresh Pigeons, it's a steady process, cos right now, if AP wants it, AP gets it, they started so long, it's like bodybagger wanting to terrorise TC but he got competitor's. But AP got non for now. 

DEATHWAVE: Good day theunholy
DEATHWAVE: Death here, CE's first storymaker/news writer here.
DEATHWAVE: Concerning the territory release. What's your take on it, and what you got to say about not being on the map
THEUNHOLY: To be honest it was only a small set back when it was released. We didn't have the respect to take the territory right away so been patiently waiting.
DEATHWAVE: Okay. Any plan on warring since AP has taken over most of em or waiting for other territories to open.
THEUNHOLY: If we have an opportunity then we'll take our chances. But for now I'm just hoping territories are capped till there's a more consistent type or competition

 This sure doesn't sound like a healthy competition, but it doesn't matter after all. It does matter to me, cos my pillows must be dripping wet at night with tears. 

 Will this first war in CE be remembered? Definitely not, cos other wars will have to come, which will over shadow this. But this piece of article will be remembered, my condolences to Los Locos for loosing their territory even before the war started.

I sign out, yours faithful whatever. Deathwave. 



over 1 year ago


10 Total Respect


10 Respect

over 1 year ago

JABLESI: i dont mind abandoning the territory later for you to pick up if we win. who knows how the warring even wroks :P
JABLESI: works*

also said that to Joker <.<

Its a new feature to the game, gotta test it to find out everything works like intended.

over 1 year ago


3 Total Respect


3 Respect

over 1 year ago

It does suck that there is no way any cartel could win against AP in a straight-up war and sucks to get kicked around but for the game, it does make sense to give the war system a try just to see how it works. 

Thanks, Jablesi for giving a clear and concise response to the article. 

over 1 year ago


33 Total Respect


33 Respect

over 1 year ago

Thats really great. But do hold on to it when you guys win. Am sure there will be more to go round, than holding out and playing mercy or pity. But it's good tho. I love the fact that the game is still open and friendly. It's lovely. Thanks for the reply Jab. 

Last Edited 22/06/2023, 18:21:29


over 1 year ago


2 Total Respect


2 Respect

over 1 year ago

We got tanked by AP, hugely. There was no point in putting up much of a fight. But for the most part, AP were decent sports about it throughout…sometimes even waiting till we were offline or just gently placing us in the street (after viciously beating us up) instead of hosping. 

10/10 would recommend getting beat up by these guys. 

A few of us are now finishing/finished up on min/maxing to 160k rep, so the focus is definitely more on stats build going forward. I hope next time we’d at least score a couple more points ??

gg AP 

over 1 year ago


844 Total Respect


844 Respect

over 1 year ago

Nice post Deathwave, although I'm always happy to make tweaks I think at this early stage in the game testing the war system and seeing where the issues lie is truly invaluable.

Clearly AP were the favoured winners in the first war or two, but they've also focused on stats whereas others have focused their efforts elsewhere so I think the win is deserved in this case, in time I'd expect to see either members of AP spreading out to other Cartels or other Cartels starting to catch up, and new strategies evolving to even the playing field.

Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!