The Pope has Arrived
6 months ago
0 Total Respect
0 Respect
6 months ago
Last Edited 29/05/2024, 20:46:27
6 months ago
103 Total Respect
103 Respect
6 months ago
I'll send you a car, but only if you dub it the Popemobile.
Welcome to CE.
6 months ago
930 Total Respect
930 Respect
6 months ago
The Pope (7171) has made entry into the Cartel Empire world, late to the party. I noticed the dreaded DEVIL (845), the deceiver, already has a strong foothold in this land. Fear not, faithful, as the Pope has taken the first steps on the path to parity with Devil.
Sinners, the church requires funds in the battle against Evil! Tithes sent to POPE will be displayed on my profile. Messages from the devout shall be displayed as well.
POPE - 29/05/2024, 20:42:04
A Pope, how cute ??
Last Edited 29/05/2024, 20:37:01
Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!
6 months ago
0 Total Respect
0 Respect
6 months ago
I'll send you a car, but only if you dub it the Popemobile.
DOCFOX - 29/05/2024, 20:12:00
Welcome to CE.
Done! POPE likes to ride in style.
6 months ago
0 Total Respect
0 Respect
6 months ago
A secy Sierra, many thanks for your tithe.
Last Edited 29/05/2024, 21:44:49
6 months ago
0 Total Respect
0 Respect
6 months ago
The Pope (7171) has made entry into the Cartel Empire world, late to the party. I noticed the dreaded DEVIL (845), the deceiver, already has a strong foothold in this land. Fear not, faithful, as the Pope has taken the first steps on the path to parity with Devil.
Sinners, the church requires funds in the battle against Evil! Tithes sent to POPE will be displayed on my profile. Messages from the devout shall be displayed as well.
POPE - 29/05/2024, 20:42:04A Pope, how cute ??
DIABLO - 29/05/2024, 20:30:09
If it isn't the Lord of Terror, unfortunately there will be no quarter for a lord of hell. Wait till daddy POPE gets his nostrils on some Coke. The end is nigh for ye sinners!
The Pope (7171) has made entry into the Cartel Empire world, late to the party. I noticed the dreaded DEVIL (845), the deceiver, already has a strong foothold in this land. Fear not, faithful, as the Pope has taken the first steps on the path to parity with Devil.
Sinners, the church requires funds in the battle against Evil! Tithes sent to POPE will be displayed on my profile. Messages from the devout shall be displayed as well.
God has forsaken us but the POPE has not.