The greatest mugger

5 months ago


31 Total Respect


31 Respect

5 months ago

The greatest mugger 

Hey fellow cartel members,


I wanted to share a post regarding a user who goes by the handle FERAL-FOX. While playing I have been mugged like 3 times by same person when I joined if you are still new and haven't been mugged $10 or even less or more by FERAL-FOX then that is surprising because he mugs everything if it was possible he will mug everyone' s dogs.

proud mugger & thief <3- FERAL-FOX 

Am not making this forum for anything serious or something but I have heard people talking about being mugged by him. At first I thought it was just a mistake only to end up on his profile signature when I realized that he is indeed proud of it.

A post reply by CNKZ where he addressed "Forget everyone elses mug. We need to ask feral-fox


-BJORN- - 31/05/2024, 22:40:07

ask him what? how much E he has wasted bullying noobs only for them to overtake him in stats? ask him how much E he's wasted mugging 10 day old players for 10k?"

So not only does he mugs people but bully's them. I have no proof of that but hey he's just being a fox trying to be a good person. Thanks for FERAL- FOX FOR REFUNDING MY MONEY IF NOT SOMEONE COULD HAVE END UP ON MY ENEMIES LIST AND GET SOME BEATINGS. But don't consider being refunded it took me a lot of "effort" so don't be convinced.

Last Edited 30/06/2024, 08:56:58

You forget a thousand things every day, pal.  🙏🏾Make sure this is not one of 'em. 


5 months ago


2 Total Respect


2 Respect

5 months ago

FERAL-FOX tried to mug you, but now they're paying hospital bills. [View Fight]
10:23:04 22/02/2024
FERAL-FOX tried to mug you, but now they're paying hospital bills. [View Fight]
12:11:30 15/02/2024


5 months ago


32 Total Respect


32 Respect

5 months ago

its because hes feral.

4 months ago


54 Total Respect


54 Respect

4 months ago

He helps <7day old noobs out, he helped me personally when I started. I was warned that they would re-imbers himself via mughing, and truth was spoken. Although I dont think he got his money back as I litterally put ever penny once it appears in my vault. It is true that in many players opinion he is spending E unwisely including myself. Mugging is an option and part of the game, fox just reminds us to stow that hard earned drug money away on the constant.

"Never intterupt your enemy when they are making a mistake." -The art of war-