New server for capos

about 2 months ago


16 Total Respect


16 Respect

about 2 months ago

Hey fellow Capos and leadership 

Would you be interested in joining a server for fellow Capos? It would be a place for everyone to talk freely, make friends, sort out issues, warn fellow capos about problem members, teach new capos, ect. Just overall a place for all cartels to connect and mingle on neutral grounds.

This is neutral ground so capos can help other capos. Think of this as a UN of CE 😊alliances or rivalries don't entirely matter, it's just a way to bring CE cartels together and bridge the gap a bit especially for new young capos.

You can also add any of your leadership members here aswell

If interested please shoot me a message here or on discord and I can send the invite link 

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, just figured it was easier than messaging every capo individually 


about 2 months ago


22 Total Respect


22 Respect

about 2 months ago

Sounds good...though diplomacy is hardly my specialty 😅