A long due rant from a random internet ??
5 months ago
128 Total Respect
128 Respect
5 months ago
Well said man.
5 months ago
121 Total Respect
121 Respect
5 months ago
You are more than welcome to buymug me anytime!
All jokes aside, well written (or quacked)!
Feel free to message me regarding any questions you have about gameplay!
5 months ago
110 Total Respect
110 Respect
5 months ago
I saw you had a 10m bounty today. Not gonna lie I almost msg you and asked if you wanted to split it hahaha
On a real note dudes you can still be attacked and mugged and not make a big deal of it. It is just a game in the end
"I'm just an alien disguised as a dude having an existential crisis."
Check out my music: HERE
5 months ago
1,150 Total Respect
1,150 Respect
5 months ago
For what it's worth, I agree with everything said in this post.
This is a game, and some of the features are intentionally designed to allow players to attack eachother in various ways, including buy-mugging. Players may choose to not use that ability and that's a perfectly valid playstyle, similarly players can choose to take issue with those who do buy-mug and again, that's perfectly valid.
But please do remember that this is a game. We're all here to have fun, and every single account is a real person.
Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!
5 months ago
2 Total Respect
2 Respect
5 months ago
As a proud member of the Mug Nation(less so in this game rn but definitely in similar games) I gotta say I agree with what you are saying. But I have one piece of advice for yourself Duckman. Don't feel bad cause of some salty messages from some victims and certainly don't stop the muggings cause of them. You get a an annoying or childish message like you mentioned? Add em to your list. Work em into your rotation more and feed off their pain. Take sustenance from their salty tears. Now obviously I understand having a list of regular ATMs on roto may be a waste of e cause they won't always have money on hand. But while it may not be a wise use of energy or financially worth it, it definitely is spiritually beneficial. Its a boon for the soul, if you will.
I should probably start this post by heavily emphasizing on how amazing of a community this turned out to be ESPECIALLY after all the lovely words that were said and/or actions taken by a lot of the players in the community that followed hearing the sad news of losing our fellow player ThreeToothJoe, no matter what their standing in game was.
My point is: This community proved to be more mature, respectful & amazing than (most of IRL groups/communities I've personally been a part of so far). Hell I'd even say that this is definitely the most amazing gaming community I've ever actually seen period.
Now to the main focus of my rant.. I've been getting the most annoying, random & childlish messages recently regarding specifically buymugging from people who were apparently so salty from getting mugged that they thought it's worth going as far as send hate messages about it in DMs.
So I thought this might be long due and I want to make some points clear to new & (some) old players alike:
I would like to take the initiative and invite each of you who messaged me once or more before regarding the buymugs or anything else I've done in game to message me again and we can have another chat regardless of anything that was said in previous conversations. Who knows, maybe we can build at least a slightly better opinion of each other or at the very least we wouldn't be contributing into turning this community toxic and keep it as friendly as it currently is.
Finally, sorry for the rant that turned out to be longer than I initially planned. BIG THANK YOU if you did read this far down. I appreciate it as I highly appreciate this community as well.
Keep QUACKING y'all 🦆🍻