Ravage is recruiting!

7 months ago


110 Total Respect


110 Respect

7 months ago

Hello everyone

Ravage is currently accepting applications for membership.  Come join us in a great environment with great people.  We hold regular reputation contests and giveaways, some of which, are geared and designed to help new players get traction in the game!

What we require:

-We require an API private limited key from all members. This is solely to track activity in the game and this information is kept confidential and private.

- we prefer daily activity but understand real life sucks and won't let us play CE all day. After 5 days of inactivity you will be removed, however you are welcome back whenever!

- participation in wars and rep gain.  We do not have a daily attack requirement but we do prefer again, that you are active daily if you are able to do so.  Wars do not happen often in the current state of the game but when they do happen we prefer our members to have a certain level of activity and communication during wars.

-Respect towards our cartel members, our alliances, and even our enemies.  We kindly ask that you conduct yourself in a manner of being a representative, to an extent, for the cartel.  We love this game and we want to keep it a respectful and fun place.  We like to be the type that can joke with our "enemies" in global and be somewhat amicable.  If you can't do this we understand and at the very least require you to avoid situations that would cause unessicary problems in the game 

-We do not tolerate any type of cheating behavior.  If you are the type of person to cheat or bug abuse please keep scrolling.  We are the first people who are going to throw you under the bus if we find you bug abusing or cheating in the game.  As stated above we truly love this game!


What you can expect from us:

-We grant access to use meds from our armory after 5 days of membership. We only ask that later in your CE journey as you begin to unlock productions, that you donate some meds back to the armory so we can keep things running and always provide for our members.

-A team of experienced people to guide and trade with.  We have many experienced people who can help guide your journey into CE as well as numerous amounts of people to trade with, ALL mug free!  Is everyone offline in ravage (never happens)? No problem!  We have alliances in the game which also have people who you can trade with mug free!  Or even advice if that's what you need which brings my next point 

-We have a discord.  I know, I know, EVERYONE has a discord, however we have a shared discord with our alliance!  If for some reason you have any problems finding someone to help you or trade with we have many more people not in our cartel who are trustworthy and helpful in our discord

-We offer regular competitions and giveaways.

we only require you to join our discord and be active to be eligible for giveaways and signing up for competitions.  We attempt to hold at least one big event every month when time permits us.

-Cartel perks.

+8% to all gym gains (7%agility)

+5% to production profits

+3% passive gain to all stats 

+1% job success rate

We hold 4 territories currently


Hope to see you there! 

Last Edited 15/12/2024, 04:18:05

"I'm just an alien disguised as a dude having an existential crisis."

Check out my music: HERE


7 months ago


12 Total Respect


12 Respect

7 months ago

Bump :)

"Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three"

7 months ago


9 Total Respect


9 Respect

7 months ago

We are still recruiting :) 

  • Just recently had 3 events and giveaways open to all players allowing fairness for both new and old participants.
  • Provides in-house cartel discounts on daily material needs, properties, and found gear.
  • Not as strict requirements as other top cartels.
Ravage Logo

In the darkest corners of your dreams, when hope flickers like a dying ember, a figure emerges from the shadows. Cloaked in obsidian armor, the Dark Paladin strides forward, eyes blazing with an otherworldly fire. His presence is a harbinger of doom, yet in his wake, a strange sense of calm pervades, as if the chaos he sows brings a twisted order to the night.

Proud member of RAVAGE

Dark Paladin Image
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contador free

7 months ago


12 Total Respect


12 Respect

7 months ago

Bump  0.o


"Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three"

7 months ago


12 Total Respect


12 Respect

7 months ago

Bump >.<

"Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three"

7 months ago


12 Total Respect


12 Respect

7 months ago

Bump 0_0

"Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three"

7 months ago


121 Total Respect


121 Respect

7 months ago

Bump <3

Feel free to message me regarding any questions you have about gameplay!

7 months ago


110 Total Respect


110 Respect

7 months ago

Bump o7

"I'm just an alien disguised as a dude having an existential crisis."

Check out my music: HERE

6 months ago


110 Total Respect


110 Respect

6 months ago

Bumpy bump 

"I'm just an alien disguised as a dude having an existential crisis."

Check out my music: HERE

6 months ago


121 Total Respect


121 Respect

6 months ago

Bumping this, we still recruiting!

Feel free to message me regarding any questions you have about gameplay!

6 months ago


110 Total Respect


110 Respect

6 months ago

Sorry for bump still recruiting 

"I'm just an alien disguised as a dude having an existential crisis."

Check out my music: HERE