Rep farming target
2 days ago
1 Total Respect
1 Respect
2 days ago
2 days ago
49 Total Respect
49 Respect
2 days ago
- Find some high level targets using search or advanced search, hit them one by one to test if you able to take them
- use one of those existing target lists below:
Iron's rep targets:
Manfact's rep targets:
Chetanh's newbie rep targets:
Chetanh's high level rep targets:
Last Edited 06/09/2420, 06:09:42
1 day ago
128 Total Respect
128 Respect
1 day ago
Another way; is if your a Subscriber/Donator. Go through the inactive cartels; and or players that are in them.
Most of the rep you will gain, is from players that other players know, but most of the time it is simple trial and error. There is no getting past it.
Most players that you get from word of mouth; 100 other people already know about, thus it is better and easier in some ways, simply to find your own exclusive lists. hence why i mentioned going through and filtering via 'cartels'.
Hi, i havent focused much on rep but i want to start doing more rep farming, my issue is the most rep i get from attacks is around 25, how do i find higher rep targets?