Farm rep or train stats early on

4 months ago


9 Total Respect


9 Respect

4 months ago

I've been playing for a couple days now and I've tried reading some of the forum posts but I'm still not getting what I should focus my energy on in my early days. Sometimes I attack to gain rep, other times I train int and at times stats for a meagre amount (since gym gains depend on int and I have only completed one course so far. I don't have DP yet and don't use points so I thought I'd ask; what am I better off spending my energy on? (Atleast in my currrent state).


4 months ago


21 Total Respect


21 Respect

4 months ago

intelligence is the important thing to start with, but it seems that the gains for it at the beginning are so bad that people opt to not training it until they have completed enough edu courses to have ~70 intelligence. so the question is what to do with your energy until you get to that point. 


in my opinion, at this point in the game, where there arent many people to attack and gain good rep from after training your stats to a certain point,  youre better off not training at all and attacking as many people as possible at maximum rep gain to grow your reputation. the faster you unlock productions the more money you will make in the long run, and the extra e from alcohol and cocaine will help you gain stats faster as well. with maxed out intelligence, from what ive tested, the gym gains are 3-5x better than with no intelligence, so if it takes you 150 days to max it out (about how long it took me) in another 60 days you should have more gym stats than if you never trained intelligence (150 days of int training then 60 days of stat training > 210 days of stat training)  that being said i do have donator status and have ben using cocaine so it will probably take you a bit longer but the point still stands.


not only does int help with gym gains but job successes as well, which is important when farming resources to use for your productions. 


dont forget you get more rep from attacking higher level players with similar stat totals to you (most ive got from an attack is like ~120 rep). its just slim pickings when you get to a certain point in stats. i think theres 130 people i can attack that would give me maximum rep gains at my stat total and i can probably only beat 2 of them, and i also have to find out who those 2 players are. and itll change as they get more stats or as i get more stats. you can probably make it work if thats the route you want to go, get a jump on stats and find better targets, but it is a lot more work and probably a lot of wasted time and energy

4 months ago


-6 Total Respect


-6 Respect

4 months ago

Just do what you wanna do, the only right way to play is the way you want to play

3 months ago


0 Total Respect


0 Respect

3 months ago

What Dan said, But i won't lie i wish i seen the stuff herpsac replied with cause currently im making 30 rep a kill 💀

3 months ago


69 Total Respect


69 Respect

3 months ago

Do whatever you want; but i must say the 3-4m everyday is nice; not including alcohol/cannabis or coke. But it comes with a cost, and that is.. your weaker overall. 

3 months ago


-4 Total Respect


-4 Respect

3 months ago

I have been playing now for around 20 days and find energy is very little for the amount of the game that uses it. 

I started out putting energy into INT but now I move my energy around and put some into the gym. After being bullied ..



2 months ago


6 Total Respect


6 Respect

2 months ago

i was told when i started playing to focus on attacking and gaining rep dont worry about stats until i got to a certain rep.. but i soon realized if i didnt train i couldnt beat a lot of the players i was losing a lot... so i started doing what i wanted to and moving my energy around  attacks and gym id go back and forth mainly as for INT i didnt train that using my energy at all i just kept doing my classes to gain INT (i was told using energy to gain INT in the beginning was a waste)

thats my little take on it 

but do you boo noone can tell you how to play the game we can only give you our experience

Last Edited 05/08/2024, 14:06:48