Global Job Experience
almost 2 years ago
1 Total Respect
1 Respect
almost 2 years ago
almost 2 years ago
28 Total Respect
28 Respect
almost 2 years ago
yes doing jobs increase job experience, no you don't loose exp from fail, but still i would try to avoid fails
it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself
almost 2 years ago
1 Total Respect
1 Respect
almost 2 years ago
I see thanks! Also one more question does every jobs gain the same amount of exp or is it different
almost 2 years ago
28 Total Respect
28 Respect
almost 2 years ago
diffrent exp for diffrent job, you get more exp for the more difficult ones
it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself
While looking around the announcement thread i found this
Now my question is how do i increase my Global Job Experience Is it from doing jobs? And if so if i failed a jobs does my Global Job Experience decrease?