qez's guide to achievements
3 months ago
13 Total Respect
13 Respect
3 months ago
Last Edited 23/12/2024, 00:30:56
am qez
3 months ago
13 Total Respect
13 Respect
3 months ago
reserved for more info if its ever needed
am qez
3 months ago
4 Total Respect
4 Respect
3 months ago
Thanks for the guide, exactly what i was looking for
Welcome to my day 1 guide to achievements!
I've updated the wiki with the trigger values of each avhievement here: https://wiki.cartelempire.online/en/Player/Achievements
Achievements are shown ingame as 3 main groups "general" "combat" and "jobs" I'll go over each and my take on them and how to get them.
General, This section covers most of the general gameplay and has quite a few time gated sections you'll want to start on ASAP
Old Age Hero - Age in cartel - Timegated
Moneybags - Total Networth - donate to the qezpoverty fund to help me get this
Big Bad Narco - Player level - This seems to be 1 achievement every 5 levels ish my lvl 44 is 8/20
Supporter Privilege - Days donated - passive timegated (doesn't look back retroactively from release)
Intelligent Criminal - Total int - caps at 1200 so requires a PE to complete
Keyboard Kingpin - Total +R in forums - Passive this might get more people using the forums
Hyperactive Hero - Energy Refills - Passive Timegated
Comeback Kid - Life Refills - Passive Timegated
Jailbird - Personal Favors used - This one is passive as you complete the jobs section.
Medical Wonder - Medical items used - This one is passive over time but if you wanna rush it use bandages only for leaving hospital.
Alcoholic Influencer - Drink Alcohol - Passive Timegated if you're not already maxing your booster consider using corona
Drugs are Bad m'kay - Take drugs - Passive Timegated would be fastest to spam weed however you'll get it eventually through coke use
Combat, This section is a little bare right now and hopefully might include warring performance as the warring system gets fleshed out.
Attacks Won - This is passive through your rep farming and then warring down the road. (my 2250 attacks is 6/11 so a LOT of attacks are needed to max this)
Defends Won - This is passive through people underestimating you however I hope there becomes a market to buy losses as it'll help noobs
Jobs! This section is pretty straight forward but it's important to make use of the new tools provided by achievements to min max our progression through this.
Every job has an achievement so it's important now more than ever to diversify. That being said the rewards to job success skill increase and job failure skill increase might help you progress faster so it might be wise to come back to the harder crimes once you're more progressed in achievements. I'll cover more in the rewards section.
This is what it's all about the rewards! It's important to note that your choice isn't permanent and can be changed for a sizable fee of 500 points.
All of these list an "up to value" that assumes you have spent 10/10 on that skill; however it's often not wise to max a value since the cost goes up with each purchase.
lvl 1 is 1 point and lvl 2 is 2 and so on so by the time you're at lvl 9 looking at lvl 10 you could otherwise put 1 point in 10 other bonuses.
I would only max if the stat is particularly useful to your playstyle or you are rolling in Medallas.
Idiot Savant - Increased int gains - up to 5% this is quite strong if you're still training int for reference the maxed PE provides only 0.75% compared to this 5%
Cram Master - Decreased Edu Time - up to 10% this is huge if you're still doing edu it allows you to progress and unlock the stats and passives from edus faster maxed PE provides the same at 10%
Job Skill Increase - Increases the job skill provided by successfully completing a job - This is kinda nice but I suspect a little underpowered per prestige you need about 300ish jobs so this saves you 30 jobs per prestige so ~300 jobs per job if that makes any sense ;p Good but not insane.
Failing Forward - Receive Job skill even when failing a job -It's unclear if this also provides global CE or just the skill. Either way it'll help smooth out the pain of clicking prestige and getting stuck failing again, Though it might hamper you in getting "jailbird" if its too good more testing is needed.
Dog Rewards:
Dog Training - Increase dog Exp Gain - This doesn't interest me much I have a feeling someday ppl might offer to train dogs for a fee
Dog whisperer - Increase dog trait effects by up to 50% - This could be big in warring since maiming is such a powerful effect would lower the opponents stats by 7.5% each Healing lick might also see some play in defensive builds.
Calm Negotiator - increased cash mugged by up to 50% - I would assume this is 50% added to your base of 10% for a total mug of 15% quite strong if you mug.
Heavy Hitter - Increased hosp time by up to 50% - Huge in wars useless outside of that since it'll slow down your rep farming. we might see premium bounties or something emerge where ppl with 50% more time charge to permahosp people? who knows.
Passive Strength
Passive Defense
Passive Agility
Passive Accuracy - Each of these goes up to 20% so in theory you could have up to 80% more battlestats by specing all of these hugely impactful especially once you've hit the soft cap for gains.
I'll keep working on this guide and keep it up to date and improving. Please comment if I missed anything.
Play as a donor and use daily refills of energy and life if you want to rush spam corona from a young age and weed when you're starting out and cant afford coke.