Drago's Basic Production Guide

over 1 year ago


129 Total Respect


129 Respect

over 1 year ago


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My YT channel - https://www.youtube.com/@swellestorc

Also DM me if u have any questions about anything - https://cartelempire.online/user/609


This will be a basic guide to production in general like what u will get from each production, prices, material aquisition, prices, deals/traders and much more. Do send me a DM or comment below if u found anything new or im wrong cause I can always edit the guide due to latest info. Do enjoy and send a like o7

Slaves I meant Narcos:

Look we need someone who will actually make stuff and who better than the non educated, easily manipulated and people which you don't have to pay them wages or worker no wait human rights to so that they will work for u 24/7 even if u leave the game. (Man this got dark...)

But anyway back to the topic Narcos are the workers which will be required to produce items and money. You can get them based of reputation and that the milestones are, idk. Narcos are very important cause they are one of the conditions that must be met for a job to be working at maximum efficency. If u have any spares its also good to send them to do "Street Crimes" to get some addtional money.


There are 5 facilities in the game rn. Street Crimes, Doctors Office, Weed Field and Alcohol Still, Coke Factory and the left most one is the earlies you get and the worst one all the way to Coke Factory which is the hardest to get but if you have it then u have just ascended into the heavens (its good basically). The method you get each facility is based off of rep with milestones which can provide you with the facilites.

Milestones list:
10k - Doctors Office
20k - One extra Doctors Office 
30k - One extra Doctors Office 
40k - One extra Doctors Office + Weed Fields
50k - One extra Doctors Office
60k - One extra Doctors Office
70k - One extra Doctors Office
80k - One extra Doctors Office + One Weed Field + Alcohol Still
90k - One extra Doctors Office
100k - One extra Doctors Office 
110k - One extra Doctors Office
120k - One extra Doctors Office + One Weed Field 
130k - One extra Doctors Office 
140k - One extra Doctors Office
150k - One extra Doctors Office
160k - One extra Doctors Office + One Weed Field + One Alcohol Still + Coke Factory

Do remember that if you were to get 320k rep you would have 2 coke factories and 2 alcohol stills and 8 weed fields and this can go until forever but rn the highest rep guy is Jablesi with 400k rep and I am rank 39 on the leader boards with 82k, mind you i have been playing for 60smth days so u can see the issue. This will take a long while till you can get 160k rep.

Facility requirments and benefits:

Street Crimes - cost no Narcos and can be placed in a unlimited number it provides a consistent cash sum per day, rough testing shows that 1 Narco provides roughly 1k cash

Doctors Office - costs 5 Narcos to use and can produce all kinds of medical items but however no cash

Weed Fields - 25 Narcos to use and can provide a rough 6-8 cannabis per day however it costs a strict 10 fertilizer or more commonly known as "fert" in the community to work

Alcohol Still - IDK Narcos required but needs 5 agave cores to work, can produce alcohol which is a subsitute for e-cans in Torn and another method of getting energy

Coke Factory - IDK Narcos and requires 40 coca paste to work, provides 2-6 cocaine or "coke" in the community which can provide 100 energy and works similarly like xanax from Torn

Work Efficency and Courses:

When a facility doesn't have the required amount of workers or the full amount of production materials it will still produce at the end of the day but in a much more lower amount than normal. If you have a 0 in either then it just doesn't work duh. 

However courses such as the medical course which can increase quality of medical items can enhance ur production. The medical course can provide access to a new type of medical item to be produced the Large Truama Kit, which is a unique item only gained after getting that course. Also all of the business courses can increase the money gained from all productions by a percentage value, also the final business course can increase the maximum amount of total productions you can have. This means that if you have 10 weed fields thorugh rep unlocks u can buy 2 more. This can increase the amount of facilites 20% based off your productions gained thorugh rep. The coke factory increase is only effective at rep 800k when you have 5 coke factories meaning you could buy 6.


The current materials are bag of fertilizer, agave core and coca paste. They can make cannabis, alcohol and cocaine respectivly. They each have their own prices in the community and even though the market is quite new so the prices can change the prices are 16k, 22k, 22k each resepectivly. Tho prices can fluctuate. They are also gained through fert robbery, Agave robbery and coca paste robbery respectivly and its also how difficult to do as well. 


You can sell all items in the item market but u can sell cannabis and cocaine in the drug den however don't do it for cocaine u will get so much less that its worth. However cannabis beacuse no one is buying its the best place to sell in drug den. Alcohol can be sold to players like a e-can, meds can be sold at abyssmal prices but its free money or to players(no one is buying lol there's a lot in the market and only attackers will care). However for the production material its a different story. Everyone need it eventually and rn the people who need it most are the ones who have higher than 160k rep as they will buy all 3 materials. Good buyers and sellers include A_Merchant, Satire77 or Benderisgreat. 


Production will be a big thing especially in the long game so do try to get it as fast as possible. Arson farming seems to be the easiest way cause robbery is half as effective with double time and GTA has too high INT reqs for new players. Well GL and hope u enjoy this game ;)

CE's Best Self-Appointed Antiquarian

DM me if you are willing to sell a collectors item

My YT channel - https://www.youtube.com/@swellestorc

Also DM me if u have any questions about anything - https://cartelempire.online/user/609


over 1 year ago


36 Total Respect


36 Respect

over 1 year ago

nicely done Drago.

Selling DP @ 8.5M

Icarus Laughed as he fell.

Threw his head back.

yelled into the winds,

arms spread wide, 

Teeth Bared to the world.

There is a bitter Triumph.

in crashing when you should be



  • Started C.E// 09 DEC 2022.
  • Crime Scene! since 2022.
  • First player to get Rare Husky since first released//23 MAR 2023.
  • Reached 1k INT// 04 OCT 2023.

over 1 year ago


1 Total Respect


1 Respect

over 1 year ago


Last Edited 08/05/2023, 18:00:20

Pending cool ass forum sig when graphic artists become a thing in this game.

over 1 year ago


844 Total Respect


844 Respect

over 1 year ago

yeah very nice guide, thanks for this Drgao

Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!

6 months ago


23 Total Respect


23 Respect

6 months ago

Is it profitable to buy fert off other players and sell your cannabis to the drug den?