10 months ago
128 Total Respect
128 Respect
10 months ago
Last Edited 28/06/2024, 19:00:55
10 months ago
45 Total Respect
45 Respect
10 months ago
Nice explanation really helpful
You forget a thousand things every day, pal. 🙏🏾Make sure this is not one of 'em.
10 months ago
115 Total Respect
115 Respect
10 months ago
well explained, and i can confirm this is the most efficient way to farm rep and maintain financial stabillity on the run.
i know the struggle of getting good targets to hit, even worse if they are online, active and bite back.
but hopefully we wont have go through that hell, sooner, in the future (insert bunny kaomoji here)
Last Edited 24/05/2024, 07:47:19
10 months ago
6 Total Respect
6 Respect
10 months ago
9 months ago
14 Total Respect
14 Respect
9 months ago
nice guide R+
9 months ago
110 Total Respect
110 Respect
9 months ago
Shut up and take my like!
Great guide R+
"I'm just an alien disguised as a dude having an existential crisis."
Check out my music: HERE
9 months ago
9 Total Respect
9 Respect
9 months ago
Good explanation.
8 months ago
5 Total Respect
5 Respect
8 months ago
8 months ago
10 Total Respect
10 Respect
8 months ago
Great job!
First off, this guide will be similar to other rep guides out there; the only difference really is how you approach it. Which varies from person to person/how efficient you are/how lucky you are with rep targets.
An example being, Tometh (me)/Sage/Mazulis The top 3 players for rep gain; [At time of writing] when age is accounted for.
I can't say anything for Sage simply because i do not know; but for Mazulis i have overtaken him for a very simple reason, he is not exclusively working on rep from what i understand it. Could be wrong, but from my guess and viewing the 'repuation' board he appears to be working on stats also, and so his rep gain average is around 5k (sage appears to be the same it differs, slightly of course). from 'x' day to 'y' day when the leaderboards updates. I make double that, some days i make 7k, others 8k. but i mostly strive for 10k per day, which is doable for me, i have earned 11k once.. but i digress. 10k per day is what i make generally.
Main thing is:
Have a comprehensive list of targets, minimum 100 plus rep, (this is easier said than done). my average rep target is over 100 plus rep, per hit. This depending on stats and level can be difficult. there's only so many levels higher than yours, and only so many people you can beat currently (whatever stage your at right now).
Which brings me onto my next point; level appears to be a factor in how much rep you gain, Fair fight has as well, but also drugs too, i have noticed upon taking cocaine, and subsequently beating my target, i gain more rep. between 10-20 extra. This is rather negligible of course but i thought i would mention it. (it's either level or the drugs lowering the stats, which i believe it to be the drugs). (Low level vs high level, if beaten offers very good rep, especially if the fairfight happens to be X3) Which is why people level hold, a higher level is a sitting ducky.
Next is efficiency, you don't want to outright blast through your E; that is for the end of the day.. when you cannae be arsed keeping yer eyes open anymare.
Right so, here is how i do it.
Morning 200E > Refill > Hits on top targets ONLY in between. > max drug cooldown of coke. (hitting your best targets). 1-2 every hour. If you ahve any extra E by the end of the night, feel free to use it up on your lesser targets.
DO NOT TAKE YOUR REFILL THE MOMENT IT'S AVAILABLE. Sleep on it, let it regen for you over night and take your refill when there is no rush; cause there's a good chance you'll waste it.. if you actually enjoy sleep. It's an easy 400 E right from the get go, when you wake up; that can be used throughout your day, in the manner i describe.
JOBS - Here's the deal with jobs, I went for fert robbery, instead of arson; i gain 20 rep every 7.5 minutes. 168 rep per hour. but this requires at the minimum 5th prestige. it is my highest rep/hour job. but it requires rediculous efficiency. This isn't the best choice maybe now.. fert prices are on the downer, but it's easy money and reasonably good rep. (Players play the game differently; this is my current way of doing things when i started, and mostly still is).
Bottomline: Spread your hits over the course of the day, as best you can with the best targets you can. Blast through your E, if you need to go back to your scratcher (bed). Don't take refill immediately when available, and strive to always hit the top targets, when and whenever you can. Have a good comprehensive list of targets. (EASIER SAID THAN DONE).
Proof of concept. 22/05/24 leaderboard placement for rep.
New placement, 23/05/24.
Total rep for day = 9776.