Gaining & Improving rep targets.

4 months ago


54 Total Respect


54 Respect

4 months ago

This guides focus is on helping players gain & improve rep targets quickly.

This guide is also more for those who spent atleast a little time on stats, which I recommend to increase rep gained from fighting.

Firstly let's touch on the basics of rep gain per target:

A fair fight multiplier (FFM) is applied directly based on your own and your targets stats diffrence, x1 multiplier being the lowest and x3 the highest. The targets level plays the second biggest role in max rep gained. Your own level is irrelevant. A random number generator (RNG) is involved and max rep gained per fight fluctuates, but this has little effect.

So let's start.

Skip to method 4) if you already have a good rep target or two.

Initially what you are looking for in the following 1) to 3) methods mentioned is, players your game-age with a higher level than your own. This is not the only criteria to finding targets but it is a good start if you don't have any, or any good targets yet.


1) Use the in-game player search feature, (this is extremely tedious and can be avoided.) having donator status adds extra filters that help.

2) Scan through other active cartels.

3) Scan through global and trade chats. (Don't judge me.)

Make use of your friends/enemies list to add the players you think you can beat down, attack them. Obviously remove those you couldn't beat from the list and note down the rep gained from beaten down targets.

Hopefully now you have a list of targets you can beat down and the rep gained from them.

Having only one or two targets with good rep is already a good start and will have a greater impact on the next method discussed.

4) Poaching from hospital.

Assuming you have been hitting your targets, you may notice that other players hit the same targets. Bingo!

Visit the hospital in town and take note of who they are, add them to your list aswell as any other targets they have hit that isn't on your list already.

By now you should have a rough idea, by looking at a players profile if they are worth trying to hit. "When in doubt, throttle it out." Meaning if you are not sure, take a leap of faith. You may stumble upon your next best rep target.

Repeat this process and your target list will soon be golden!

Note: Losing fights while looking for new rep targets is part of the process, don't get discouraged.

Personally I use my friends list for targets I can beat down easily & enemies list for targets with better rep, but have to be hit at low HP.

Check out - Rep farm guide 2024 - by Tometh. This explains how to maximize rep gains per energy (E) spent on targets.

Shoutout to; Jari & Mazulis for helping me gain my 1st good rep targets. Sage for helping answer some questions I had to not end up looking stupid (I hope.)

PEACE OUT! -I hope this guides helps-

Last Edited 02/07/2024, 15:49:27

"Never intterupt your enemy when they are making a mistake." -The art of war-


4 months ago


13 Total Respect


13 Respect

4 months ago

Loved the guide!! <3 really usefull especially when you combine the knowledge of both Tometh's guide with this one. *Smashes upvote button* 

4 months ago


15 Total Respect


15 Respect

4 months ago

Good guide Cat.

On a side note, if you are extremely active (10+ hours a day) you can farm your best target 11-12 times a day as they come out of the hospital. If you're taking 8 coke and a refill a day to farm rep you can make 66 attacks per day.

Meaning you dont really need very many targets at all. Space out attacks and focus on your highest yield targets (5-6 of them) and fill in the gaps with your lesser targets.

Selling DPs

4 months ago


9 Total Respect


9 Respect

4 months ago

Awesome guide!

4 months ago


5 Total Respect


5 Respect

4 months ago

Thank you for this, it is most helpful and explains everything easily.


Cheers !!

4 months ago


77 Total Respect


77 Respect

4 months ago


Take my forum respect! 

Last Edited 28/06/2024, 18:28:06

"I'm just an alien disguised as a dude having an existential crisis."

Check out my music: HERE

3 months ago


377 Total Respect


377 Respect

3 months ago

I got a shoutout? :P Thank you.

3 months ago


31 Total Respect


31 Respect

3 months ago

Nice guide

You forget a thousand things every day, pal.  🙏🏾Make sure this is not one of 'em.