A Quack Guide on Choosing an Optimal Job Path
8 months ago
289 Total Respect
289 Respect
8 months ago
Last Edited 25/07/2024, 00:42:24
8 months ago
99 Total Respect
99 Respect
8 months ago
Beauty post!
Id also like to add, you can play however you choose, whatever is most fun to you, to keep you engaged in the game, but you won't grow nowhere near as quick if you don't follow these guides.
Thx for the post Quack! It's a clear detailed post. Cheers!
Where did she come from....where did she goooo....where did she come from Cotton ThreeToothJoe.
8 months ago
2 Total Respect
2 Respect
8 months ago
This can also be useful way down the line when you are trying to build a private island to get all the construction materials.
QUACK - 24/07/2024, 18:14:51
Great info!
I know most of us came from torn but I believe Private Estate is what you meant instead of Private Island.
8 months ago
289 Total Respect
289 Respect
8 months ago
Great info!
I know most of us came from torn but I believe Private Estate is what you meant instead of Private Island.
DOOBUH - 24/07/2024, 20:50:51
Fixed, appreciate it!!!
7 months ago
110 Total Respect
110 Respect
7 months ago
The only thing I would add is that you can do advanced jobs and construction before int cap. It's harder yes but not impossible. In addendum GTA get a bit easier with some hidden job xp behind them
Job skill>hidden job xp>intellect
These are the factors that affect your success rate and in that order.
So while it's a bit easier to start advanced jobs after int cap, it's usually more so because you have a ton of hidden job xp you can do it much sooner with a couple prestiges across standard jobs behind you.
Great guide buddy keep up the awesome work!
"I'm just an alien disguised as a dude having an existential crisis."
Check out my music: HERE
7 months ago
4 Total Respect
4 Respect
7 months ago
Fantastic and informative post, appreciate the time it took to post this!
6 months ago
5 Total Respect
5 Respect
6 months ago
Great guide here! Really helpful.
6 months ago
41 Total Respect
41 Respect
6 months ago
I'm a duck and I highly approve of this! 🦆
"I 🔊QUACK🔊 therefore I am." 🦆
5 months ago
6 Total Respect
6 Respect
5 months ago
Let's gooo!
There seems to be some disagreement in Cartel Empire on which path new players should take to provide the most effective and efficient rewards. I believe this is the case because there are MULTIPLE paths that provide optimal results for players. Before reading this guide I recommend reading through the wiki on jobs here
If you are unaware of what prestiging is, once you reach 100% skill in a job it will give you the option to upgrade the job and reset it back to 0. The 2 options are decreasing the time by 10% or increasing rewards by 20%. You have 10 upgrades in total 5 time and 5 rewards.
When prestiging you should ALWAYS upgrade time before rewards. Decreasing time increases your reputation gains as well as increases rewards per hour as you are increasing the number of times you can do the job in an hour. Increasing rewards only affects your reward gains.
Starting out
There are already quite a few guides that discuss how to start your jobs. The overall consensus is to get 5% skill on intimidation into 5% farm robbery. From there you can choose what path you want to take. For a higher success rate of arson/coca/fert/agave prestiging intimidation once to 100% is also an option. If you are on constantly it can take as little as 2 days (courtesy of Aristocat for pointing this out).
Standard Jobs pathway (Rep gains > Money)
This is the recommended pathway for those who want to focus on gaining reputation as fast as possible at the cost of monetary gains. Unless you have another method of getting cash (ie trading/spending real money) doing pure standard is not recommended. This is because the monetary gains are so small from these jobs you will not be able to afford the production upgrades when you get there.
If you have another method of gaining money I recommend when starting out, go for 20% intimidation then straight into arson. At that point follow the prestige pathway from above.
If you do not have another method of gaining money I recommend doing a mix of arson and one of the robbery jobs. This allows you to still gain enough money to afford the production upgrades while still throwing in some of the 2x reputation gains that arsons provide.
Grand Theft Auto/Drug Transport
I only recommend doing these overnight while sleeping once you have prestiged arson atleast once. There is a high likelihood you will fail however it does not matter as by the time you wakeup you will be out of hosp/jail.
Robbery Jobs Pathway (Money > Reputation)
This is the recommended pathway for those who want to focus on gaining money rather than gaining repuation as fast as physically possible. You have 3 options in this pathway once you get through the beginning stage. I recommend getting intimidation to 5% then doing farm robbery to atleast 10%.
Which robbery you decide on is not impacted by reputation or cash profits. The reputation gain for the 3 robbery jobs you choose from (farm, agave or coca) is all at around 70-80 while the profits per hour is around 200k. Which robbery you choose is completely dependent on your play style.
If you are very active on the game and can play constantly throughout the day I recommend farm robbery as it is every 15 minutes at prestige 1 down to 7.5 minutes at prestige 5.
Next up is agave which starts at 30 minutes at prestige 1 down to 15 at prestige 5.
Lastly is coca which starts at 1 hour prestige 1 and goes down to 30 minutes prestige 5. This is ideal for those who can't access the game as much throughout the day.
Once you pick one of the three robberies it is best to stick with it and purely grind that one out until prestige 10. This will maximize your profit and reputation gains.
I only recommend doing these overnight while sleeping once you have prestiged your other robbery atleast once. There is a high likelihood you will fail however it does not matter as by the time you wakeup you will be out of hosp/jail.
This can also be useful way down the line when you are trying to build a private estate to get all the construction materials.
Advanced Jobs
Blackmail and hacking are pretty much impossible until you get to 1000 intelligence so just ignore these until the future :).