Expedition Guide. 2024.

3 months ago


69 Total Respect


69 Respect

3 months ago

I will start this expedition guide by saying; I made mistakes very early on as i am sure many did; as well as the fact market prices have fluctuated since i did it and thus by the time your reading this guide: prices have increased as more players have entered the game/staying longer and playing more. Still i had money, and started early dumping money unnecessarily as the early expedition levels go by FAST. DO NOT GET STUCK ON GETTING THE BEST ITEMS FOR THE BEST TEAMS. If you can get by with it, use it. Till ye can upgrade better. 

PLEASE NOTE** Expeditions are a MONEY SINK, they will always be a money sink.. the later ranks (8-9) you'll shed a tear.. there is plenty of time to be salty about how much money ye gotta dump into these teams.. don't worry.  :D

So first thing is, when you start out on expeditions, do not feel tempted to spend money early on.. there's a high chance you'll blow right through the early regions of expedition and thus your teams will quickly become more and more ineffective. Players typically farmed a low ranked region (Beni. Minimum 3 teams) till they got to Ororu. Ororu you can dump a little money into if you want it to go a bit faster (say one team) rank 5's are rather cheap, although farming Beni with 3 teams will get you there.Just takes longer. 

I personally would aim for potosi as an objective when doing regions, it's going to take a bit of time to reach, depending on what regions you do; while still offering a decent restbite while you make your way through to Santa Cruz. So i made this my go to region to aim from both a time to complete/reward perspective. A good stopping ground. The more sicario's you have to mix and match, according to region requirements the better chance at success you will have. But the cost also goes up.

The black pen is all the regions you skip, the blue, you can sink a little money into but again not too much; if you want to get by faster. And the highlighted yellow is Potosi, what anyone should generally aim for, and is a good stopping point for transitioning/upgrading sic's, while still getting some money. 

You'll gain rank 6 cars: Toyota MR2 (700k - 1m) > Audi Quattro Luxuries: (1m - 1.2m) Pearl Encrusted Lighter (600k - 800k) > Diamond watches (800k - 1m) I noted the prices i have stuck to when markets are either saturated/depleted stock. Admittedly the higher end prices take time to sell, but it can be done. 

Potosi is a good time to reward ratio, without being too demanding on sicario costs. Thus imo a good stopping point to take a breather, before any upgrades and essential costs. You may disagree. But this works for me. 

The 1 rank higher, half and half mix of same tier weapons/armour and a tier lower luxury and car is a pretty good way to get success rates. 

I am still trying to do decide if this is a mistake i did on my part, but i upgraded a large amount of sicario's 18 or so. rank 8, with rank 8 gear (mostly) They got me many items/cash. but after unlocking Santa Cruz i am now upgrading to rank 9's. If i had to to do it again, i would get the best teams for potosi; without going overboard.. and just save for rank 9's. You unlock rank 9 Sicario's rather early, (Santa Cruz) Thus try to find a good middle ground of success chance/to sicario cost. 

I did rank 8's (A good boost to stats; with half rank 7/8 gear) Rank 8 weapons and armour, with rank 7 luxury and car. This resulted in good success chances, but cost a bit more than simply decking max gear on rank 7 team. 

A sicario has levels from 1-10, and gains 10% of it's base stats every level up. resulting in a 100% increase at level 10. Bare this in mind when equipping gear. 

A good example of A sicario; that doesn't have all rank 9 gear, i plan to outfit a rank 8 weapon, and maybe a lower rank armour, remembering that the level ups; give a 10% base stat increase, and this goes a long way toward success rates.  This sicario will easily do potosi, while i sit and grind some more money. It might even do santa Cruz, depending on what i equip. 

Remember points reset, Everyday if you need teams/certain siscario's quick! Cost is 25 points. Always good to aim for 8 combat, 8 morale and 8 caution for mixing in the relevant category for increased success chances. 


Main points to consider:


  1. Sicario levelling gives 10% to base stats on every level increase, max level of 10. Therefore getting max gear isn't necessarily required for good success rates. 
  2. The moreSicario's you have to mix and match the better your chances of success. 8/8/8 for Combat, Morale and Caution is good. (Although costs substantially more than just 3 teams [15 sic's] ).
  3. Know when to stop on good ground, to make/prepare your next upgrades. (i recommend Potosi for it's potential money/vs time to complete).
  4. A fail still produces 'effort' for regions and 'exp' for sicario's. Don't dwell too much if your teams produce fails.
  5. Julio's club everyday offers 2 opportunities to gain sicario's, a total of 6 sicario's are puchasbale on any given day. 3 on day reset, and 3 on Julio's point reset. 



Last Edited 27/08/2024, 21:32:20


3 months ago


8 Total Respect


8 Respect

3 months ago

Great guide Tometh. Hope questions are OK. Are sciarrio levels logarithmic? Like can you max out level 10 or does it just infitinitely approach a full level 10 bar?

3 months ago


69 Total Respect


69 Respect

3 months ago

Great guide Tometh. Hope questions are OK. Are sciarrio levels logarithmic? Like can you max out level 10 or does it just infitinitely approach a full level 10 bar?

ZOOMSTOP - 30/07/2024, 17:34:46

I think you earn a base amount of 'effort' depending on region; a success offers more 'effort' while a fail offers less, but you still get an amount on failure. 

As for Sic levels it maxes out at level 10, it's not a bar that gradually increases over time; you gain experience on failure and or success. So it's best to keep expeditions going, even if it produces a fail. Obviously you want a success.. but if you fail.. it's still effort and experience earned, compared to just letting your teams sit doing nothing. which produces nothing.  

Last Edited 31/07/2024, 19:09:03

11 days ago


17 Total Respect


17 Respect

11 days ago

Great guide, thank you :)