Everything about profile Signature

4 days ago


31 Total Respect


31 Respect

4 days ago


Guide: Basics of Using the Profile Signature Editor

Welcome to the basics of using the profile signature editor! This guide will walk you through how to format your profile signature and customize it using the built-in tools. 

1. Text Formatting

  • Bold Text:
    To make your text bold, select the text you want to emphasize and click the B button. Example:

  • Italics:
    For italic text, highlight the text and click the I button. Example:


2. Text Alignment

  • Align Text:
    Use the alignment options to position your text. You can align text to the left, center, or right.

3. Insert/Edit Image-Gif

  • Add Images:
    Click the image icon to insert or edit an image in your signature. You can add an image by entering the URL of the image you want to display.

4. Font Color & Highlight

  • Change Font Color:
    To change the color of your text, click the A icon and select your desired color. Example:

  • Highlight Text:
    Use the highlighter tool to emphasize text with background colors.Manfact

5. Code Editor

  • Insert Code/HTML:
    If you want to add custom code, click the code editor icon (represented by <>). This opens a space where you can enter your HTML or other scripts.
     <div> ...


Insert a Link:

  • Press the Insert button.
  • Paste your link into the link tab that appears.

Linking Text or Images:

For Text:

  • Highlight the text you want to turn into a link.
  • Then, press the Insert button and paste your link.

For Images:

  • Click on the image you want to link.
  • Press the Insert button and paste your link.

 Then choose if your link will be opened in the current window or in a new window



Always preview your signature before saving to make sure everything looks perfect.

Avoid using too many images or flashy colors to keep your signature clean and readable 'like mine :P'

For those who need to add those fancy background/image/gif have no worries. What you willl need is a Html code and feel free to use the one given. Paste it in the console/code editor

Insert gif/image as the backgorund

 Html code:

 <div style="background-color: #000000; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-variant-alternates: inherit; font-variant-position: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: inherit; font-optical-sizing: inherit; font-kerning: inherit; font-feature-settings: inherit; font-variation-settings: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 10px 10px 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: url('Image url');">&nbsp;</div>

  Example of the image Background                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


Example of background gif 

Have a colored background:

Html code:

<div style="background-color: #1c1c1c; color: #e0e0e0; padding: 20px; border-radius: 8px; margin-top: 10px;">

Colored Background (bg)

 You can change the color to Your desired one 

  • #1c1c1c (Background color) 
  • #e0e0e0 (Text color) 
  1. Light Red

    • Background: #FF6666
    • Text: #000000
  2. Dark Red

    • Background: #8B0000
    • Text: #FFFFFF
  3. Light Green

    • Background: #90EE90
    • Text: #000000
  4. Dark Green

    • Background: #006400
    • Text: #FFFFFF
  5. Light Blue

    • Background: #ADD8E6
    • Text: #000000
  6. Dark Blue

    • Background: #00008B
    • Text: #FFFFFF
  7. Light Yellow

    • Background: #FFFF99
    • Text: #000000
  8. Dark Yellow (Gold)

    • Background: #FFD700
    • Text: #000000
  9. Light Gray

    • Background: #D3D3D3
    • Text: #000000
  10. Dark Gray

    • Background: #A9A9A9
    • Text: #FFFFFF
  11. Cyan (Aqua)

    • Background: #00FFFF
    • Text: #000000
  12. Magenta (Fuchsia)

    • Background: #FF00FF
    • Text: #000000
  13. Olive

    • Background: #808000
    • Text: #FFFFFF
  14. Teal

    • Background: #008080
    • Text: #FFFFFF
  15. Navy

    • Background: #000080
    • Text: #FFFFFF

For other Formating like underline etc it can be found here highlight the text and apply it and you are Done :)


Page Count Down

If you need a page counter for whatever reasons such embeding it to the mail for cartel newsletter giveaways and many other here is the gude for that also:

  1. Visit the website: Mailtimer.io /or mailtimers.com
  2. log in 
  3. then make the time to your preferred countdown
  4. save it and publish
  5. copy the code and embed it in your profile

For image i personally prefer imgur for images and gifs aslo Giphy for gifs but whatever works for you.

Page counter

Visit Jari's guide on Page counter and it's same with the flag counter but also to add on something in Jari's guide. If you visit some sites you can embed the code directly to the console/Code editor example is this: https://www.counter12.com

Embed a Youtube Video

To embed a YouTube video:

  1. Open the YouTube video you want to embed.
  2. Click the "Share" button below the video.
  3. In the pop-up, click on "Embed."
  5. Copy the HTML code provided.
  6. Paste this code into your code editor where you want the video to appear.

For other video platforms, the process is generally similar: look for the "Share" or "Embed" option, copy the code, and paste it into your website.



Last Edited 15/10/2024, 09:04:53

You forget a thousand things every day, pal.  🙏🏾Make sure this is not one of 'em.