Neverending Game
about 1 month ago
-3 Total Respect
-3 Respect
about 1 month ago
Last Edited 19/11/2024, 14:30:31
about 1 month ago
128 Total Respect
128 Respect
about 1 month ago
Mate wtf is this
piss off stop asking me about the script
28 days ago
6 Total Respect
6 Respect
28 days ago
You say moon, she says man, after she says man he says kind, after he says kind, she says heart, after she says heart you say less and so on.
One word per response, say a response that will lead to another word response that makes sense and on and on, if a word has no response, you relate something to the word, for example less/small which would follow on, she says small you say time, he says time you say warp, its the game that never ends.
Only rule: please don't respond to your own word :)
I say..... 'Hard' you say...?
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