buff zero overall activity brand new player being farmed?
almost 2 years ago
92 Total Respect
92 Respect
almost 2 years ago
Last Edited 16/03/2023, 22:54:51
almost 2 years ago
66 Total Respect
66 Respect
almost 2 years ago
I don't know about the solution. But I agree that farming empties is not really fair against high level players. Call it exploiting. Perhaps increasing your gym % as you level up could also solve this problem. Making it more interesting to actually level up your account in stead of health only.
almost 2 years ago
92 Total Respect
92 Respect
almost 2 years ago
I agree the solution isn't perfect I was merely throwing around small ideas.
almost 2 years ago
1,150 Total Respect
1,150 Respect
almost 2 years ago
I'll review this as soon as I get the chance and see where the issue lies and what can potentially be done about it. If somebody wants to stay level 1 fighting other levels 1s then fair enough but there shouldn't be nearly as much reward there are playing 'normally'.
One thing to consider is that some issues do go away as the size of the community increases, we're currently in a bit of a teething phase where there's about 100 or so active players per day which gives a very small pool of potential targets. Whereas as this grows there will be more competition to get high rep or to reach higher levels which will reward higher level players even more than now.
Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!
almost 2 years ago
22 Total Respect
22 Respect
almost 2 years ago
One way of fixing that could be making rep multiplayer based on both stats and reputation that enemy have instead of just stats. that would solve most farming inactives and also would help top players to progress in a similar ratio to new players
almost 2 years ago
23 Total Respect
23 Respect
almost 2 years ago
Seems like a bit of a non issue, and potentially driven by a lack of understanding of what's going on here.
I'll name me as the primary and first "exploiter" of this, but this is very much a gamble on my part. I have no idea if my strategy will pay off in the long run, we'll see. I am trading stats for rep, this certainly has potential downsides and will put me behind in one area of the game for a very long time. You have to bear in mind I and others maybe following suit are putting 99% of their energy into attacking. I also intend to gamble on intelligence if that's of interest.
Direct attack on my game plan asides, here's my feedback to add to the conversation:
1. Reputation gain is based on a few factors, one of those is level. I've seen some high lvl kills with good FF values leading to as much as 400+ Reputation in a single attack, basically 3x as much as I'm gaining at lvl 1. There is a huge reward for taking on higher level suitable targets. However as there isn't a great deal of targets around in general right now, especially at higher levels. I assessed there to be some advantage TEMPORARILY in being low in stats. There is already a disadvantage, you get less rep from lvl 1 targets, this is somewhat offset by lack of targets. As Diablo points out, this will resolve over time. Thoughtful players will no doubt look to correctly ride future trends or patterns in the game, and it's playerbase and I think this is healthy.
2. They already do. If you put 99% of Energy into attacking at any level you will get a lot of Reputation. It's just not currently possible to use that much energy at higher levels, so I'm doing at low levels.
Changing this now would just lock me and any others in with an advantage over other new players without meaningfully making the game better.
almost 2 years ago
92 Total Respect
92 Respect
almost 2 years ago
I apologize to anybody who was offended by this original post.
In no way am I trying to say that people are cheating because you are not.
In fact I'll be the first one to admit that I found out about this "advantage" by myself and my own observations and no one told me about it.
I also have to admit that I have stopped gyming all together because it is much more advantageous for me to just get as much rep as I can first by taking advantage of relatively low stat inactive players. So I admit I am also taking advantage of what's happening. And I can only speak for myself but it is a major advantage.
I also thought about something that may not have been thought about before, I thought about how new players join this game and would be heavily discouraged to continue if they saw other new players who are benefiting from the information from players who already know about it and fly right past them. New players who do not know about this will get majorly discouraged and quit the game.
It would be far better to deal with this now if it is ever to be dealt with. However if it's not an issue Diablo please just leave it the way it is.
But here is my case anyway:
1 there is a way a way to address this that would benefit the people that are playing the game this way.
2 you could make the game get rep in the same fashion people get stats. You get a lot more stats the more stats you have!
3 if you implement it so that people get more rep the more rep they have, and the people currently who have high rep will keep getting high rep. I would not be stuck because I already have high rep from what's happening.
And closing whatever happens from here is fine with me, and if something happens to lower farming gains from what's happening, it will affect me also. But I don't mind it. I just don't want people playing for a year who didn't know, who can't go back, to be passed by people playing for a month who knew not to gym. Especially if both are equally active. I honestly don't know if I could play a game like that.
Last Edited 19/03/2023, 03:18:36
almost 2 years ago
6 Total Respect
6 Respect
almost 2 years ago
In my opinion true level + stats should be the weighting factor.
almost 2 years ago
11 Total Respect
11 Respect
almost 2 years ago
The rep nerf from attacks came to fast with no warning. My opinion. Now, if coke has been nerfed. What's the point in playing.
A lot of people have busted their ass only to get nerfed literally over night.
There's a better "balance".
Edit: typo
Last Edited 23/03/2023, 15:19:04
Problem: Lowest levels and stats can earn more rep an faster than higher level higher stat players?
Solution: reverse the problem. Make it easier to get rep at higher levels.
OK this may not be a popular one, but I feel somehow its a bug, or something that IS and could be taken advantage of for the wrong reasons.
Not naming names here but I saw player only 12 days old and had 30k rep and I believe still using the same tactic to gain more rep than most players playing for months! and I have an unsettling hunch that people are actually restarting their games to in my opinion exploit this.
Main problem: Low stats brand new player can farm "zero activity, abandoned brand new players" or as I call them in this post "empties" and still level up... retain their low stats and retain major gains from every hit spiking in rep more than pretty much anyone. There are almost an infinite amount of high rep targets at brand new levels currently and it would seemingly be incentive to stay stats because there is no benefit to going higher currently.
Somehow I don't see how this makes sense there should be SOME sort of realism to it, my comments:
1)Who would follow a weak guy like that beating up homeless people on the street on a daily basis Why would he have high rep and people respect him form doing so? EXAMPLE Make player who has 500 stats who keeps farming 400 stat inactive players unable to run businesses? They should be some kind of disadvantage to being a low level is all I'm saying. Maybe implementing less rep at higher levels versus lower players at lower levels regardless of stats, and more incentive to get higher level would deter this from happening again like unlocking the hospital or doctor's office at a certain level.
2)Make players who are low stats but higher level receive less respect when farming "empties".
I'm just one person there are many factions would are benefiting form this, but it seems like a weird strategy if it becomes the norm, maybe that's just me. The word "unfair" due to lack of targets per rep hits my mind at really high levels, I don't want to see brand new players passing people like "top 10" in rep to be honest because of something the top 10 can't control any more and never realized.
What do you think?