The current game balance significantly favors defensive builds, one of the two defensive skills over its agility counterpart. From gym gains in education to stat-boosting items, it makes one build the clear meta choice.
I’d like to suggest either a revamp of combat courses or, at the very least, an item that temporarily boosts agility—similar to how cannabis works. This could also be produced by the weed field, just like how the alcohol still produces different items.
The current game balance significantly favors defensive builds, one of the two defensive skills over its agility counterpart. From gym gains in education to stat-boosting items, it makes one build the clear meta choice.
I’d like to suggest either a revamp of combat courses or, at the very least, an item that temporarily boosts agility—similar to how cannabis works. This could also be produced by the weed field, just like how the alcohol still produces different items.