I sugest the following change to production. insted of getting production building at a certan rep level allow the player to buy any Production they want and assign there Narcos how ever they wish. so you get your narco's as normal as you gain rep you get more narcos.
you can then assign these narcos like you can to jobs you buy but you can buy any job you want and assign your narco's to them how you wish. so if you wish to be a weed farmer you can buy only weed farms and assing the narco's you have to that
the balancing factors are the number of Narco's each job requires can be balanced to make some jobs need more men and other less and the requirments of respurces need to run the busness. I also sugest to further balance the production jobs a daily upkeep this to help the economy with a money drain and to further able to balance the production jobs.
I sugest the following change to production.
insted of getting production building at a certan rep level allow the player to buy any Production they want and assign there Narcos how ever they wish.
so you get your narco's as normal as you gain rep you get more narcos.
you can then assign these narcos like you can to jobs you buy but you can buy any job you want and assign your narco's to them how you wish.
so if you wish to be a weed farmer you can buy only weed farms and assing the narco's you have to that
the balancing factors are the number of Narco's each job requires can be balanced to make some jobs need more men and other less and the requirments of respurces need to run the busness.
I also sugest to further balance the production jobs a daily upkeep this to help the economy with a money drain and to further able to balance the production jobs.