SuggestedTerritory wars

over 1 year ago


23 Total Respect


23 Respect

over 1 year ago

With a war betwen the harmacy and AP coming to an end i thought about an idea that could make it more balanced so we have more of a fight rather than onesided war.

I belive something as simple as outposts in every territory durning a war could be a good way of balancing fights betwean big cartels with average stats players and small cartels with strong players.

But how would it work?

Lets give an example where the biggest territory would have 19 territories, medium could have 15 and small ones 9.

Controlling more outpost than your enemies would gain points. Obviously makeing it that 1 player can only hold 1 outpost at time and defeating that player would transfer control over outpost to other one and rewarding their cartel(the one who took it) with small bonus points.

After succesfull takeover member could just leave outpost empty for his cartel friends to take it from him or enemies to jump on it again and giving him an opening to clear next one.

One big guy could still dominate fights and clear all enemie outpost gaining some points as long as he got energy but it would make it way harded to win it by himself as enemies could just med out and take control over empty ones again.

This would stop bigger cartels from bleeding points and would actualy favor them as they could control more of them at the same time.

Wars would put more emphasis on activity rather than simply having a strong player to win


over 1 year ago


3 Total Respect


3 Respect

over 1 year ago

I like that idea. You could rename it to be something more cartelish, like you could control certain streets or something?