SuggestedProduction Skill Tree

over 1 year ago


6 Total Respect


6 Respect

over 1 year ago

I think a skill tree related to production would be a great way to create “paths” each narco has to take. You could create new drugs as you get further into a certain skill tree. It would create rarity with drugs & I think it would allow for smooth incorporating of new drugs into the production system. Say as you go down the coke skill line you learn to create crack, bubble hash or concentrate for marijuana, & hard specialty liquors. You could have skill line abilities be things like “less production materials required” “higher output”(even if it’s .1 of a drug) if you so decided you could even make obtaining production mats passively for long term dedicated player’s possible even if it’s only enough for half a drug a day. Enjoying the game so far cheers!


over 1 year ago


95 Total Respect


95 Respect

over 1 year ago

This is an excellent idea.  I like this alot 

"I'm just an alien disguised as a dude having an existential crisis."

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over 1 year ago


92 Total Respect


92 Respect

over 1 year ago

I second this idea and I would even go further and say that this should be extended for a lifetime worth of play, I'm talking about a year possibly to even get to the very best possible end of each branch!  

 I think it would be so awesome to be needed and wanted by others just because you got to the very end of a much needed availability or skill that is maybe even geared toward helping another type of production.

Maybe your a mechanic and you can help when a pruction farm equipment breaks down.  Maybe we can trade products for services.

over 1 year ago


40 Total Respect


40 Respect

over 1 year ago

I think a skill tree related to production would be a great way to create “paths” each narco has to take. You could create new drugs as you get further into a certain skill tree. It would create rarity with drugs & I think it would allow for smooth incorporating of new drugs into the production system. Say as you go down the coke skill line you learn to create crack, bubble hash or concentrate for marijuana, & hard specialty liquors. You could have skill line abilities be things like “less production materials required” “higher output”(even if it’s .1 of a drug) if you so decided you could even make obtaining production mats passively for long term dedicated player’s possible even if it’s only enough for half a drug a day. Enjoying the game so far cheers!

I also really like this idea