SuggestedProduction suggestion

over 2 years ago


22 Total Respect


22 Respect

over 2 years ago

I have been thinking about production in this game because I find it too easy to make money as they are right now and which are wasting the economic potential of this game.

First of all its your game and i respect every aspect of it as it is now and if you dont want to change it its all right i will stillplay it and try my best to help make it as good as possible with your ideas in mind.

Before i start with drastic changes that i have in mind lets start with names/tittles that we all see in game. Its pretty misleading with capo/narco because when we are in cartel most of us are narco of that cartel but we still are (capo?) for our porductions where we use npc narcos.

And thinking about it gave me an idea to some changes.

I saw some ppl suggesting adding something like OC in Torn for Cartels and my suggestion is merging production with cartels so that Capo can use us Narcos for Cartel productions. Also it would decrease money making just from productions which i belive give way too much.


Every Cartel start with street crimes ready to use and Capo need to assigne other members to start earning rep and money for cartel and rewarding each working member some small ammount daily like 10k-50k.

Cartel need to collect reputation and money to start other productions that will also need members to work there and would provide meds, drugs or alcohol depending on which was chosen by Capo. 

Lets say capo started weed field and with his cartel having 10 narcos to work with he decided to assigne 5 narcos to continue working on street crimes and 5 narcos working on weed field. Street crimes still rewarding money and reputation.

Weed field rewarding money and some weed that would go to (hideout?, vault?, stash?, warehouse?).

Capo could either sell those drugs on item market or in drug den or just leave it there for narcos to use it if they need it.

For robbery jobs it would still be needed and people could do farm robbery for fertiliser which then could be deposited to Cartel or sold on market.

(Even Farm Robbery desription suggest that: "Robbing farms isn't the most glamorous job, but the Cartel needs to source fertiliser for the fields somehow and unfortunately for you, shit rolls downhill.")

For economical side it would mean that ppl can sell their supplies via item market and also with drugs that aren't produced in their Cartel if they want them they need to go to item market and buy it there.

And for last part of my idea connected to this would be giving Cartels option to raid other Cartels for their productions, money and reputation.

Fight could be something like:

Cartel A - Attacker   - 10 Narcos + Capo

Cartel B - Deffender  - 8 Narcos + Capo

Cartel A decided to raid Cartel B

The fight starts with the members with the lowest reputation fighting each other:

1 Cartel A Narco lost fight and hes out of the raid.

1 Cartel B Narco won stays and fight the next opponent.

2 Cartel A Narco lost fight and hes out of the raid.

1 Cartel B Narco won stays and fight the next opponent.

3 Cartel A Narco won stays and fight the next opponent.

1 Cartel B Narco lost fight and hes out of the raid.

3 Cartel A Narco won stays and fight the next opponent.

2 Cartel B Narco lost fight and hes out of the raid.

And so on until all members of Cartel A or Cartel B lost their fights.

If Cartel A won attack then they are rewarded money, reputation and supplies if of course they are produced in Cartel B in proportion to the number of remaining members.

If Cartel B won then they are rewarded with reputation in proportion to the number of remaining members.

You could also add some upgrades to Cartel that could give diffrent bonuses for attacking and deffending.

Thats all what i came up for now. Let me now what you think about this rather extreme suggestion.


over 2 years ago


1,150 Total Respect


1,150 Respect

over 2 years ago

Hey RaQaR,

Read through it all and I think most of it's a brilliant idea, of course this is a rather large overhaul and I don't quite have time to iron out all the details and give you the response your post deserves but I promise I will do as soon as I can.



Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!

almost 2 years ago


14 Total Respect


14 Respect

almost 2 years ago

i think crime progress would be good too as regarding the OC since there's no NNB we could use crime progress.... so the more crimes you do and the more intelligence you have determines the success of the OC

tbh this is a very nice concept i love it 

Last Edited 16/05/2023, 13:02:29

almost 2 years ago


10 Total Respect


10 Respect

almost 2 years ago

Horrible idea. What is the point of playing a game if cartel leader is gonna assign everything for everyone and you'll just be a puppet? 

How are the divisions of resources gonna be made?

"would provide meds, drugs or alcohol depending on which was chosen by Capo."

Why would I ever want another player deciding what kind of items I get? LOL 

almost 2 years ago


92 Total Respect


92 Respect

almost 2 years ago

The cartel raiding scenario definitely is way too general, you would actually need alliances at that point, and real life if one cartel did another cartel in their alliance would clearly want to push back. Otherwise you would just have the strongest cartel in the game constantly attacking weaker cartels to ensure that they never gain enough reputation to advance over them. 

In real life, if cartel A raaided  cartel B for their production, an alliance cartel C could just easily kill the leader of A and that way ruin the reputation of that initial cartel A who started everything.  And the alliance cartel C would have much more reputation than before everything started.  And cartel A would have less.