9 months ago
1 Total Respect
1 Respect
9 months ago
8 months ago
31 Total Respect
31 Respect
8 months ago
i like the idea but one concern in my mind is that having respect losses impact gym gains could simply act as an incentive for strong players to continuously weak players. Not only as a way to increase their own gym gains but also as a way to reduce other players gym gains. Which would obvioulsly make things harder for newer players. plus i think as a tactic that could cause problems for cartel wars as some could use it to an advantage to keep players from enemy cartels too weak to compete.
Jus' another dawg, runnin' with the pack.
8 months ago
1 Total Respect
1 Respect
8 months ago
I was referring to a "loss" and "draw" outcome to losing it. Not when getting attacked. Only your actions and outcomes effect gain or loss.
I don't know if this has been posted before with the same name or as something else. But I was thinking of "respect" gearing towards gym gains. It would be something that could fluctuate. Higher respect = higher gym gains, lower respect =lower/ average gym gains. Ideas for lowering and raising respect would be:
• successful attacks with a higher FF Give more respect (along with the reputation still earned)
• draws/losses, you would lose respect (more for a loss)
• mugs would be a minor increase in respect
• jobs, varying on the difficulty, successful on a "quite risky" would have a high respect gain but at the same time a loss would have a high respect loss, and so on with the "slightly risky" and "low risk"
• job length could also play a role in how much respect is earned/lost
• there would be a cap on respect that you could not go over but can always go back down
• to make the cap being harder to reach, I think it should scale down on the gain/loss the closer you get to the cap
Now I know there is INT that also increases gym gains, so it would probably be geared more for "newer" players who have low INT to try and get that small amount of more gym gains while their INT naturally grows with the UNI, but also gives people with capped INT a chance to get that same increase in gains
I'm just throwing it out there. Not sure if it's a good or bad idea, just want to get the thoughts of what the community thinks!!