Suggestedquality of life changes

over 2 years ago


10 Total Respect


10 Respect

over 2 years ago

1: new chat messages should appear at the bottom, it feels very weird to read from bottom to top.

2:when somebody attacks a player and loses, the attacked person should gain reputation.

3:Winston's Bounties image looks like a shopping mall, not an illegal place to hire hitmen. 


over 2 years ago


10 Total Respect


10 Respect

over 2 years ago

4: allowing us to edit forum posts would be a really cool addition.

5:typo in University. "Intelligence effects many areas of your life" it's affects.

6: i feel like names shouldn't be in all capslock by default unless the player wrote it that way.

over 2 years ago


2 Total Respect


2 Respect

over 2 years ago

The rate of failure in the early stages of this game are just a little too much in my opinion. Maybe give hints about increasing intelligence for the first couple failures. Took me a bit to realize I needed to increase intelligence other than do courses

The irishman