SuggestedWars hospital time

4 months ago


22 Total Respect


22 Respect

4 months ago

I think in wars after we get out of hospital we should get a grace period of not being attacked even by the opposite faction for about 15 to 30 seconds ds because of the instantaneous fighting mechanics we wont have time to strike back in time


4 months ago


78 Total Respect


78 Respect

4 months ago

Seems a fair suggestion, and 15 seconds seems a good grace period. Vigilance is required from both the hospitalised and hospitaliser to act quickly when the timer hits 0, but the one in hosp getting a very brief period where they can at least walk out the hospital front door without getting shot in the face would seem fair to allow for self hosp, retaliation, cannabis/med use etc.


If implemented, a notification of hospital release 30s or so beforehand would he crucial however.

Last Edited 19/07/2024, 23:13:35

4 months ago


116 Total Respect


116 Respect

4 months ago

Good one as some people may at disadvantage at their gaming chair that caused their page loads way slower than others.

Also prevent "marco&script" attacks during the war to perma hosped someone

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3 months ago


119 Total Respect


119 Respect

3 months ago

Imo if this is implemented, the player should lose the immunity as soon as they attack someone else. In a window of even just 15 seconds, you could attack at least a dozen accounts (provided you have enough energy). If players keep their immunity after attacking, in some sense becoming hospitalised then acts as a benefit.

piss off stop asking me about the script