SuggestedIdea sharing - Seasonal events (Christmas and Halloween)

4 months ago


6 Total Respect


6 Respect

4 months ago

Here are some broad examples for future events including items outcome, such as Halloween and Christmas.


This list is to open up ideas on what could be implemented, this does not mean that all of it should be implemented or at the given %. The rarity should also be considered.

This is mainly to give the developer some ideas as sharing is caring.



Feel free to add what you think would fit here or for any other event, or change what's on this list.




Robbery: Steal from Santa/children 

(This job is only available during Christmas, and all job skill is saved towards the next year, it has 5 prestige levels to reduce time)



Unique outcomes: (This is just suggestions!)


  • X item - Reduce current job time by 15 minutes
  • X item - Reduce current job time by 30 minutes 
  • X item - Reduce current job time by 60 minutes 
  • X item - Reduce current job time by 90 minutes  


  • X item - Reduce current  education time by 120 minutes
  • X item - Reduce current education time by 240 minutes


  • X item - Special dog treat (higher loyalty gain)


  • X item - Increase next expedition success by 5%
  • X item - increase next expedition success by 10%


  • X item - Increase reputation gain from attacking by 10% for 60 minutes.
  • X item - Increase reputation gain by 50% for the next job.
  • X item - Increase job reward by 50% for the next job
  • X item - Increase job success chance by 10% for the next job



Halloween: (attacks cost 15E)


  • Attacks has chance to yield 1 Trick or treat consumable
  • Trick or treat (consumable) 50% chance to gain double rep from next attack. (Only works during Halloween event)

Last Edited 20/08/2024, 13:32:09

Haters gonna hate