Owner History for Items
3 months ago
-2 Total Respect
-2 Respect
3 months ago
I slow played reputation, no one should ever listen to what I have to say.
3 months ago
16 Total Respect
16 Respect
3 months ago
And how would this work? I'm asking a serious and respectfull question, but in my opinion this wouldn't really add something to the game nor would it add anything of value to the items. Except ofcourse all the extra payload on databases, servers and all the extra work for Diablo to implement this. I think the items won't just be a number then, but every item of every single player in the game would have to be processed with alot more information which might not be very scale-able to the future.
If I'm trying to think of any use for this "extra" information linked to all items, but I can't really think off anything.
3 months ago
-2 Total Respect
-2 Respect
3 months ago
If you look at the trade menu, it shows all of your trades. Essentially what I'm alluding to is making this information public. I do not know how it would work, if I knew that I wouldn't be playing the game I would developing one, yeah. Making it more complex than that would take way more time, and I do not know if it is something that could be implemented to any degree.
I slow played reputation, no one should ever listen to what I have to say.
3 months ago
933 Total Respect
933 Respect
3 months ago
Thank you for the suggestion but at present this is not technically possible, and would dramatically complicate the inventory/item management systems.
Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!
Items could have a link that leads them to a page of that specific item's market history of owners, prices and sell dates, etc. Would probably only work if each item in game has a unique I.D. # attached to it, which I'm unaware of existing or not already.