PlannedPlease bring back last active view in Cartel on mobile

5 months ago


75 Total Respect


75 Respect

5 months ago

I know i've asked in message about this Diablo so i'm sorry for trying to push it :D

As you told me it was difficult to pull off as it was making text appear smaller would it be possible to make it so you can swipe across the screen to view last activity? Similar to when warring we can swipe across to view scores, even if that means you adding a button which takes you to a new page where we can view a whole list of our members and their last activity?

Again like i've said in last posts i'm no developer so have no idea how to pull something off like this but it's just tedious clicking on individual players to see when they were last online and I only have 25 members so I can imagine the frustration of larger Cartels.

Thank you if you made it this far down as I know this is a fairly long post.  Hope you all enjoy your day :)


5 months ago


289 Total Respect


289 Respect

5 months ago

If it is not ideal for diablo to implement what pyro is suggesting then possibly a drop down on each player that displays the last active and possibly other information like total rep, rep gained for cartel etc would be pretty cool. Kinda like the drop down you get for item descriptions on the item market but for players on the cartel page.


Last Edited 03/10/2024, 00:46:52

5 months ago


40 Total Respect


40 Respect

5 months ago

I just had to switch to mobile (coz my laptop broke) and this is a massive pain in the butt.

5 months ago


1,150 Total Respect


1,150 Respect

5 months ago

I can confirmt his is planned to be re-added. I can't provide a specific timeline but shouldn't be too long hopefully

Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!

5 months ago


75 Total Respect


75 Respect

5 months ago

I can confirmt his is planned to be re-added. I can't provide a specific timeline but shouldn't be too long hopefully

DIABLO - 14/10/2024, 13:58:27

You're an absolute gem Diablo <3