19 days ago
2 Total Respect
2 Respect
I completed all prerequisite course for NAR108 - Advanced Chemistry: Cooking up the Perfect Batch. But I am not able to click start button for this course. The butteon is in light green which not allow me to click.
I completed all prerequisite course for NAR108 - Advanced Chemistry: Cooking up the Perfect Batch. But I am not able to click start button for this course. The butteon is in light green which not allow me to click..png?Expires=1834554702&Key-Pair-Id=K2ZIVPTIP2VGHC&Signature=IARGx7nkmHeSucrWyK7v39pfuS5Xu0dOcci3yApnJACoPt7BIu32Lq0BvrczYJiqP0iLMIDhevhjNrpCG1bRbQA8wx7KA5JrVELzJvjfCts~LRnk02GsoEGsboszRP6J9WYBQHbzEKdJB8EQRKNsJRdIVtyXtW--4eTtN9b7zkLYwSZcTOOCHcrV8-2u3tjYT264liQxt9gTcs9RbmKxMWZpUy3w1VRKJzbhPpwHv~cLtMNcxno99upsHQ~HtptcrrKzSg6xdb8rgtHvm54oZZSJdMRwWgZBU~dD9MZuMfTftmMCAjt~GBsUAr0mSDe0zbE5nR-Mh6cc7JOudsyP0Q__)