
24 days ago


38 Total Respect


38 Respect

24 days ago

I've been doing this for the last 13 years...

Meme aside.. ;)

In agreement with what Jari said on Discord.

"I'm not a fan of the new UI. Definitely appreciate all the hard work though."

(edit: turns out forum blockquotes don't work with the new layout either)

The font hurts my eyes (both mobile and PC - in both light and dark mode) to the point where I have to squint whilst using it (this might be an old man thing!)

Similarly, the shading just feels out of contrast in most places (this might look okay if the font wasn't like it is). It does work in some areas - like the home page but not others.

On the plus side, I do like the 'centralised block' / non-stretch layout on PC - works a lot better on widescreen monitors (but please, let's not stretch the energy/health/rep etc bar across the entire screen too). The three white blocks for rep, cash and donator points just don't work though.

The 'lifeline' bar (ie health / money / rep etc) should be visible at all times.

This is a text based browser game, it feels like you're trying to fix something that doesn't need fixing. (tweaks? for sure - but not like this)

+1 to the thanks for the hard work.

PS. Please add forums to the menu items at the top. :)

Last Edited 14/02/2025, 10:21:43

24 days ago


32 Total Respect


32 Respect

24 days ago

Personally I don't like the new layout - please see below what it looks like on the screenshot but playing on a iOS device & the text being too bold just looks a bit messy. Also the names of players in bold also makes it harder to read. 

if there is an option to switch between new and old layout that would be beneficial  


Last Edited 14/02/2025, 10:33:10

24 days ago


66 Total Respect


66 Respect

24 days ago

As mentioned boxes for cash, rep, points I don't think is needed. 

Adding items on a trade, on mobile at least, is nasty looking. Example Cocaine, the e is on a separate line to the rest of the word and is with the quantity. 


There's so many good ideas on user scripts, I feel like some of these could have been incorporated in this change. 

Last Edited 14/02/2025, 11:18:17

24 days ago


-2 Total Respect


-2 Respect

24 days ago

my eyes hurt seems i have to get to specsavers lol change the font please 

24 days ago


14 Total Respect


14 Respect

24 days ago

I see no point of there being a Bank section in the top bar, since most of the new players try to get the shack ASAP and the experienced ones have a property where they usually stash the cash.

It would also be cool if the bar would be customizible so you can put any places you visit all the time shortcuts like casino or market etc.

Also the rep, money, points bar look very bland since the 3 of them are white.

QSS - 14/02/2025, 09:22:26

This needs to be implemented into the base game, button customization is paramount for a player's playstyle as well as convienence for them rather than going through a couple of pages which can be either seconds or few minutes dependent on server 👍


24 days ago


14 Total Respect


14 Respect

24 days ago

Loving the home page but most of what everyone has said and even what I said before, it just needs adjusting and then it would of be even better 😊👍


24 days ago


2 Total Respect


2 Respect

24 days ago

The cartel armory has the numeric input field for the withdraw and deposit points are different sizes. Can those be adjusted to be the same size? That way everything is more symmetrical? This is on mobile.

Last Edited 14/02/2025, 11:58:54

24 days ago


-1 Total Respect


-1 Respect

24 days ago

Old UI looks better 

24 days ago


29 Total Respect


29 Respect

24 days ago

+1 to cash, rep and point bars here, makes no sense having those in such style when they cant fill up or anything, make it static number with an imagine/color or something cool instead of bar

24 days ago


5 Total Respect


5 Respect

24 days ago

Have an option to have the old layout, if possible. please!