Not PlannedReduce first 4 factories rep requirement

5 months ago


2 Total Respect


2 Respect

5 months ago

I suggest to reduce the first 4 base factory requirements to a reasonable number.


  • This will drive the price down on some of the consumables, 6 coke equals 1 dp today.
  • Will make the economy flow for all players and not just the ones with most money
  • Wont bore new players and makes the gaming experience allot better as they get to taste what the game has to offer before they quit.


  • This reduction can be for the base (first factory), second third and so on can be same rep requirements as it is today.


Last Edited 16/08/2024, 18:07:21

Haters gonna hate


5 months ago


173 Total Respect


173 Respect

5 months ago

You'll make your money back in no time with the drugs you earn from the production. The price is right and no need further adjustments.


Life is like a cup of coffee: strong, warm, and full of flavor. ☕️✨

Feel free to reach out if you need any help or just want to chat.

5 months ago


2 Total Respect


2 Respect

5 months ago

You'll make your money back in no time with the drugs you earn from the production. The price is right and no need further adjustments.

YINN - 16/08/2024, 18:47:24

Thats a very selfish and onesided response.

Its not just about the money, the goal is to keep the avarage players engaged to the game, I dont see how this is harmful to anyone at all, the price is right for you, the price might not be right for the avarge user, they might never achive their first factory and miss out of what else the game has to offer before they quit the game.


Its about introduction to what the game has to offer.

I never mentioned any numbers, the fact that your first medical factory is unlocked at 10k rep, that produce 1 bandage on avarage each day tells you that the rep requirements is out of touch.


You are producing nothing really useful until you reach 80k, you can guess what the ratio might be on people giving up vs trying to reach 80 and 160k.

If you want a healthy and growing community you have to keep the avarage players in mind, they are the largest numbers in games.

Last Edited 16/08/2024, 19:26:28

Haters gonna hate

5 months ago


173 Total Respect


173 Respect

5 months ago

You'll make your money back in no time with the drugs you earn from the production. The price is right and no need further adjustments.

YINN - 16/08/2024, 18:47:24

Thats a very selfish and onesided response.

Its not just about the money, the goal is to keep the avarage players engaged to the game, I dont see how this is harmful to anyone at all, the price is right for you, the price might not be right for the avarge user, they might never achive their first factory and miss out of what else the game has to offer before they quit the game.


Its about introduction to what the game has to offer.

I never mentioned any numbers, the fact that your first medical factory is unlocked at 10k rep, that produce 1 bandage on avarage each day tells you that the rep requirements is out of touch.


You are producing nothing really useful until you reach 80k, you can guess what the ratio might be on people giving up vs trying to reach 80 and 160k.

If you want a healthy and growing community you have to keep the avarage players in mind, they are the largest numbers in games.

GASPIPE - 16/08/2024, 18:59:22

I get your point, but lowering the first production requirements could disrupt the game’s balance. The 10k reputation for the first production is challenging on purpose—it’s meant to reward long-term commitment. Reducing it might help new players, but it could also flood the market and diminish production items value.

The Doctor’s Office effect stacks like the rest and gets better as your reputation grows, so patience pays off. The game is designed to be tough and grindy to make progression feel rewarding. Making it easier might attract more players, but it could also undermine the multiplayer experience and economy. Instead, let’s focus on helping players understand the benefits of sticking with it.


Last Edited 16/08/2024, 21:03:56


Life is like a cup of coffee: strong, warm, and full of flavor. ☕️✨

Feel free to reach out if you need any help or just want to chat.

5 months ago


102 Total Respect


102 Respect

5 months ago

I agree with Yinn here. 10k rep does not take too long to achieve, and gives the player an idea of what to expect of a game designed to be long term. The incremental increase in productions / rewards is encouragement enough.


Finally hitting the 160k mark was a huge achievement for me, and it took me a lot longer than it would take more dedicated and efficient players. I think the progression as it is works well.

5 months ago


2 Total Respect


2 Respect

5 months ago

Don't see how it would disrupt the games balance, demand for supplies will increase with supplies produced.


All you do is that you are making the game more alive, increasing interaction between the players at a earlier stage. 

A stage that majority of avarage players might never reach. What is this game worth without a steadily growing playerbase? 

I mean what's the loss for you if this was adjusted?
Besides " I had to grind that, so do they"


Out of all players, approximately 7,5% of the players has a coke factory/achived 160k rep.



Last Edited 16/08/2024, 21:55:43

Haters gonna hate

5 months ago


173 Total Respect


173 Respect

5 months ago

Don't see how it would disrupt the games balance, demand for supplies will increase with supplies produced.


All you do is that you are making the game more alive, increasing interaction between the players at a earlier stage. 

A stage that majority of avarage players might never reach. What is this game worth without a steadily growing playerbase? 

I mean what's the loss for you if this was adjusted?
Besides " I had to grind that, so do they"


Out of all players, approximately 7,5% of the players has a coke factory/achived 160k rep.



GASPIPE - 16/08/2024, 21:41:48

It's not about "I had to grind, so do they." The very essence of this game is the grind. As I mentioned before, the game is designed to be challenging and grindy. The learning curve isn't that steep, but you need dedication and time to progress. This game is a marathon, and whoever lasts wins—there's no end game, not even a max level.

Regarding your stats, keep in mind that many players choose different paths, like becoming a mugger or focusing on battle stats and intelligence, instead of grinding reputation. I personally grinded 160k rep in less than a month with dedication, and all my energy goes into attacking. My 3k+ attacks? That's all from grinding rep. Yes, the market helped, but it's still completely doable as a new player. So, I don't see how it's as hard as you make it out to be.


Life is like a cup of coffee: strong, warm, and full of flavor. ☕️✨

Feel free to reach out if you need any help or just want to chat.

5 months ago


992 Total Respect


992 Respect

5 months ago

I don't currently plan to reduce the requirements for each Production as I plan to make the lower level productions more valuable in future and I personally think the build up of Rep requirements per Production type works as designed currently.

Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!

4 months ago


332 Total Respect


332 Respect

4 months ago

If you have the business education it will already get reduced to 540k. 

4 months ago


16 Total Respect


16 Respect

4 months ago

To be honest, I don't think it's "too hard". I'm a new player, I've joined this game a couple days back and I'm already sitting at 5k reputation. To do this I've read guides, contacted people (some of which I already knew from outside of this game) and I try to play most efficiently as the stronger, more "reputable" players all tell in guides on how they did it and wrote a guide for us to follow. 

I think it SHOULD be hard to achieve something, otherwise you won't have a long-term game but then maybe more people join, get everything and then leave because the game packed all the moments of achievement in the beginning. 

Now ofcourse I also understand that more supplies which are needed for production of other supplies increase the engagement between players, but as I see the market right now (and I'm no good judge at this day and age of my account) it looks like there's enough supplies to get.

Just my opinion though.

4 months ago


2 Total Respect


2 Respect

4 months ago

To be honest, I don't think it's "too hard". I'm a new player, I've joined this game a couple days back and I'm already sitting at 5k reputation. To do this I've read guides, contacted people (some of which I already knew from outside of this game) and I try to play most efficiently as the stronger, more "reputable" players all tell in guides on how they did it and wrote a guide for us to follow. 

I think it SHOULD be hard to achieve something, otherwise you won't have a long-term game but then maybe more people join, get everything and then leave because the game packed all the moments of achievement in the beginning. 

Now ofcourse I also understand that more supplies which are needed for production of other supplies increase the engagement between players, but as I see the market right now (and I'm no good judge at this day and age of my account) it looks like there's enough supplies to get.

Just my opinion though.

KAMATCHO - 29/08/2024, 18:56:31

you are ~17 months away from unlocking 4 cocaine factory, or 117 days away from your first factory, based on your rep/day.


people don't spend 117 days collecting junk, because you will realize that all factory prior to cocaine is basically ****, alcohol still is rng af, could cost you to run it, I'm certain the average of 100 days on the alcohol still is +/- 0 profit or minimal profit. 

Weed is a joke of a drug

medical item has minimal value due to the 24h medical timer, you can basically spam bandage all day.

Also this post was answered by the developer as "no I won't add this" no need to revive it. 

Last Edited 31/08/2024, 12:16:29

Haters gonna hate