The list below is a summary of most updates, additions and fixes since the last update post, this is not an exhaustive list. Features appearing in the post below may not necessarily be in their final state and may change in subsequent updates.
Added developer highlight
Added logging of bank and vault balances during withdrawal and deposits
Added event for normal players directing them to the donator page once per month
Updated dependencies and removed unneeded packages
Moved Personal item Gallery above signature
Disabled market sell button unless a valid price per is defined
Updated suggestions overview to only show likes to better represent interest
Added warning when posting suggestions that we have a large backlog
Hid quality of normal items on gallery displays
Added feature switch for galleries
Implemented Personal Gallery of items shown on profiles
Added Unread Mail link to top of all Mail pages
Added Unread Mails view, mail status icon now links to Unread Mails page
Minor tweak to status icons on mobile. single click open popover, doubleclick within 2 secs opens link
Updated primary font to Lato from Montserrat to improve legibility
Removed 'internal' hidden perks from Perks display
Updated top nav bar on mobile
Merged new theme changes
Updated all missions to trigger more reliably when already done. Updated various styles
Updated status icons to be a reusable block.
Initial work, to be continuerd, changing perks impact and so on.
Converted all town shop card to a template
Made perks view filterable
Added display of specific date and time when hovering/clicking dates on forum
Implemented auto-versioning of all script and style files, removing caching issues going ahead
Updated missions to be viewable everywhere.
Added countdown to jail and hospital error messages
Updated top bar styles. Fixed Expedition card text wrapping.
Bug Fixes
Fixed player role highlights
Minor fix for item stacking in Gallery
Minor fix to limit visibility of suggestion warning to only suggestions
Minor trade log fix
Fixed Healing Lick potentially reducing current life if over max.
Fixed stacking issue with Gallery and updated item handling to account for double stacks
Fixed Expedition status icon showing no expeditions when they're already underway
Fixed Expedition and Job status icon timers.
Fixed issue with Inventory and gallery back buttons on mobile
Fixed Cartel Armory Life refill issue
Fixed status icon click effect on mobile
Updated status icons to popover.
Fixed typo in font decleration
Fixed casino slots not updating correctly
Fixed rounding error on Lottery, added additional logging, filtered out winners from Lottery losing event
Fixed item sending not working due to missing data
Fixed property upgrade visual bug
Fixed basic search on mobile
Fixed Lottery tickets not being buyable
Fixed individual university courses not being visible
Fixed medical cooldown status icon not showing
Minor fix for sizing of navigation icons on desktop
Fixed status icon popovers
Pushed minor change to attack code to fix rep gain from wars
Fixed wars not registering attack reputation
Added additional validation to add items page of trades to fix crash bug
Fixed another DisplayOrder Bug
Fix DisplayOrder Bug
Fixed for various lottery issues
Fixed Events page showing too many pages when filtered
Fixed Dog Training Achievement perk not showing quantity
Fixed clicking max on item market not recalculating total
Fixed Armory Bulk Edit page filter not working
Implementing potential fix for Safari auto-fill issue with chat
Fixed a bug with the view gallery button not displaying on the user profiles.
Fixed duplicate Cartel perks in some cases
Further Fix for missing localisations on the lottery page
Cleared cache for Lottery page, fixing participant count
Fix for lottery draw database issue and minor privacy policy issue
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The list below is a summary of most updates, additions and fixes since the last update post, this is not an exhaustive list. Features appearing in the post below may not necessarily be in their final state and may change in subsequent updates.
Bug Fixes