Before we get back to our regularly scheduled programming, be sure to check out our new Reddit Community -
The list below is a summary of most updates, additions and fixes since the last update post, this is not an exhaustive list. Features appearing in the post below may not necessarily be in their final state and may change in subsequent updates.
So first things first, yes this update post is rather late. I'll backdate the posted date but you're not crazy, I've just been too busy to get around to this.
With that out of the way though let's get on to the bit you all care about. Over the past month we've released the revival system, allowing Cartels and players to specialise into reviving players, this will become more important over time once the system we're just about to mention comes online...
Work started last month on the new Territory War system which will allow Cartels to fight over regions of Bolivia, with prizes up for grabs for the biggest and the baddest Cartels around. The works going very well so far with a functioning territory system and all the basics of a war system now in-place. Next up is developing the bonuses for holding regions.
Started creation of admin dashboard to better report rule-breaking
Removed several 'banned words' from the filter
Added a 'quick ban' button
Added Production link on 'More narcos have joined' event
Added the ability to 'unequip' a primary dog
Hid 'Release' button on primary dogs
Slightly improved Action button layouts on profiles
Implemented new Trade chat
Implemented new icons for each chat
Added 'Blocked' status to search
Implemented Revive system.
Added Cartel perk to reduce reviving costs
Changed MED1210 University Course to grant the ability to revive players
Added cookie based status messages to profiles
Added checks when reviving for player is active and to stop reviving self.
Simplified error handling for revives.
Unlocked revive ability for those that had already completed MED1210
Added Revive Skill to own profile page
Implemented chat ban system
Removed profanity filter form Cartel chat
Rewrote job taking code to optimise and reduce chance of duplicate jobs
Rewrote Cartel creation code, now handles duplicate Cartel Names without crashing and outputs useful errors to players.
Simplified Cartel creation to single database query to reduce potential issues
Cartel search now shows Cartels ordered by Reputation rather than ID
Updated all app dependencies
Added removal of old activity records job
Optimised Productions cron job
Made Last Activity show periods between currently active to active within the last day
Forum display tweak
Optimised energy increasing items
Added proper error handling to all 106 player-related functions
Optimised granting Donator status
Properly paramatarised all player DB queries
Aligned each jobs buttons etc to better support variable sized descriptions
minor tweak to hover popups of status icons
Added logging to item use failure
Suggested Cartels list now excludes Cartels which are at max membership
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug casuing duplicate acceptance of Cartel Applications
Dogs added to trades by other player are now visible on the Trade window
Fix for users buying yesterdays Dogs
Fixed Production link on events not leading to Productions page correctly
Fix for being unable to accept Cartel applications
Before we get back to our regularly scheduled programming, be sure to check out our new Reddit Community -
The list below is a summary of most updates, additions and fixes since the last update post, this is not an exhaustive list. Features appearing in the post below may not necessarily be in their final state and may change in subsequent updates.
So first things first, yes this update post is rather late. I'll backdate the posted date but you're not crazy, I've just been too busy to get around to this.
With that out of the way though let's get on to the bit you all care about. Over the past month we've released the revival system, allowing Cartels and players to specialise into reviving players, this will become more important over time once the system we're just about to mention comes online...
Work started last month on the new Territory War system which will allow Cartels to fight over regions of Bolivia, with prizes up for grabs for the biggest and the baddest Cartels around. The works going very well so far with a functioning territory system and all the basics of a war system now in-place. Next up is developing the bonuses for holding regions.
Bug Fixes