The list below is a summary of most updates, additions and fixes since the last update post, this is not an exhaustive list. Features appearing in the post below may not necessarily be in their final state and may change in subsequent updates.
As is often the case with these posts, we're a little late, but better late than never. It's been an extremely busy month with many improvements and new features rolling out, so let's get straight down to it shall we?
Initial release of Expeditions.
Increased referal bonus to £5M per 10 levels.
Increased Bank deposit tax to 2%.
Reduced Construction Robbery job time to 1.5 hours default.
Expeditions now auto-complete each minute.
Increased Trade Expiry time from 6 to 10 hours.
Added status icon showing when there are active trades.
Made Expedition events mention the participating team.
Increased all property safe storage capacities, reduced costs
Added guaranteed success on first few Expeditions and Basic Jobs.
Added new Car Dealership
Mateo now buys and sells Luxury items.
Updated Mateos profile image.
Added 'Expedition' filter for Events.
Added 'Luxury' and 'Car' tabs to the Item Market
Removed prestige button if a Job has been prestiged 10 times
Added additional space to bottom of all pages.
Accept and Cancel buttons are now full-width on mobile.
Added confirmation to buying and selling Productions.
Added status message when haven bought or sold Productions.
Added confirmation to assigning Sicario items.
Baseball Bat now sellable to Armed Surplus
Implemented test refresh of open Pet Shop pages when Dogs change.
Optimised all chat code.
Added Reports link for Moderators.
Increased preferred Expedition region to 80%
Increased activity log retention to 3 months
Limited moderator chat visibility to Global and Trade only
Limited mod chat visibility to Global and Trade
Updated Highscores to include Moderators, will reappear when job runs this evening
Armory now handles weapons.
Implemented user report feature on profiles and additional moderator tools
Added tracking of player count per day for more accurate reporting
Added Item Rank display to Item Market items
Added vault balances to internal networth tracking, haven't yet added to public networth display
Added abbreviation parsing to all cash input fields (k, m, b).
Added rank display to Cars and Luxury items.
Added all stats to Armory items dropdowns.
Limited display of items by rank.
Added 8 new Armour types, added armours to Expedition rewards
Added Expeditions feature to features page on homepage.
Sicarios view in Expeditions now properly adds/removes teams if they're full
Added missing 'Property' value to events filter list.
Currently Studying in University now shows days, hours, minutes rather than just hours & minutes
Every page now has navigation then status then help boxes consistently.
Added Cartel rename feature in Cartel Profile page
Finished implementation of temp chat ban and account ban systems for Moderators.
Updated Expedition Reset message to clarify what it does.
Reduced Construction Robbery rep gain due to reduced base time
Bug Fixes
Fixed weapon assignment bug.
Fixed public update ID parsing bug
Fixed minor countdown js bug
Fixed trade script error
Added additional validation to search terms
Fixed minor bug with item rewards from Expeditions
Fixed Sicario image issue
Fix for status bars not appearing in Expeditions
Fixed buying items from Mateo not working.
Fixed weapon assignment not working as expected.
Fix for Expedition not starting
Fixed Sicario XP gain being shared
Fixed new Expedition region unlocking early
Fixed Fight Report background in dark mode being wrong colour
Fixed expeditions awarding Diabloo's Tattoo rather than Italian Shoes
Fixed Sicarios appearing at level 0 rather than 1.
Fix for Sicarios being unassignable in some cases.
Fixed Expedition success rate changing after starting.
Fixed bug causing 'Failed to release the Dog' error to show despite releasing Dog successfully.
Fixed potential for Dogs in Pet Shop to be different than adopted.
Fixed Expeditions est. time showing NaN
Fixed Cartel Territory Rewards
Fixed Cartel Search.
Fixed recruited Sicario sometimes being different from what is shown
Fixed minor typo's on Town page
Fixed incorrect Large Safe cost
Fix for private chat crash
Potential fix for Preferences-related error
Fixed Global Chat not loading
Fixed incorrect player stats
Fixed minor issue if La Paz is preferred region
Fixed incorrect item rewarded instead of Ballistic Mesh Vest in Expeditions
Fixed Item Market not showing more pages for Production Items
Additional fix for Dog trading
Fixed script error when active bounty is on player.
Fixed multiple Expeditions being startable with same team during lag
Fixed calculation for tradeable Dogs being 1 lower than intended
Fixed missing Sicario generation for last Expedition.
Fix for Trades not being acceptable in some cases
Fixed Success % showing 0% on in-progress Expeditions after assigning Sicario to another Team
Fixed removePreference throwing error message
Fixed players being able to gain more than max number of Dogs via trades.
Fixed Item Market cleanup not running
Fixed no Production typo.
Fixed split showing removal of cash. Updated Blackjack layout.
Fixed Expeditions rewarding wrong item rather than M1911
Fixed attacks causing 0 damage
Fixed bug that caused fights to end when enemy was at 1 Life.
Fix for PayPal buttons on Donator page overlaying chat
Applied Expedition max region fix to recruitable Sicarios
Fixed Expedition region unlock issues
Fixed issue with retrieving preferred Expedition region
Fixed bankautofill buttons not enabling deposit and withdraw buttons
Fixed issue with setting new Expedition preference.
Fixed Property plot purchasing not being in currency format.
Fixed Sicario stats being incorrect.
Fixed Expedition region unlocking.
Fixed Street Crimes unlocking.
App Crash fix
Fixed Ammo Reduction perk causing weapons to only be used once.
Fixed trade crash bug and optimised Trades
Additional fix for blackjack.js
Fixed BlackJack not working
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The list below is a summary of most updates, additions and fixes since the last update post, this is not an exhaustive list. Features appearing in the post below may not necessarily be in their final state and may change in subsequent updates.
As is often the case with these posts, we're a little late, but better late than never. It's been an extremely busy month with many improvements and new features rolling out, so let's get straight down to it shall we?
Bug Fixes