A Quack guide to Effectively Completing the New Player Missions

4 months ago


254 Total Respect


254 Respect

4 months ago


Hello everyone! I am really enjoying the game so far and everyones really extensive beginner guides have helped me get to where I am currently. If you are a new player please check out all the other guides on here as they have great information on the basic info of CE. That being said I felt that there lacked a guide on how to truly go through the beginner missions in an efficient and effective manner! This led to me making some simple but easily avoidable mistakes that could have saved me some cash and time! This guide gives advice on how to complete these missions effectively and allows everyone to see a list of all missions incase they were wondering what is upcoming. This guide is by no means a general new player guide and will only focus on how to get the most benefit out of the missions. If you are looking for general new player guides I recommend checking out Devils guide for beginners or Cinyx's second newbie guide.

Now lets begin.

Entering CE brings you to the first mission on your home page.

Quick Introductions I

Requirements:  Visit La Paz Town (Town on your sidebar) --> Visit Armed Surplus --> Purchase 1 Walther P38
Cost: £2,500
Reward: £5,000
Advice: you can equip this item in your inventory by clicking on the arrow by the item.

Quick Introductions II

Requirements: Go to the gym --> train using 50 energy
Cost: 50 energy
Reward: £2,000
Advice: I recommend training accuracy and strength half and half as you will use them in the mission Earning Respect I.
Before using your energy I would also recommend checking out Drago's guide to stats, ratios, and training. 
Depending on what ratio you choose you may want to distribute your stats differently. Remember there is no penalty for training multiple different stats at once unlike some text based mmorpgs.

Quick Introductions III

Requirements: Visit the University
Cost: Using your mouse irl
Reward: 10 Intelligence
Advice: Once you get here I recommend starting the medical degree course MED1000 which costs £1,000 (P.S. Intelligence is super important so you might want to read up on that, Intelligence by Jari is an amazing way to start)

Quick Introductions IV

Requirements: Visit Jobs -->  Complete an Intimidation
Cost: 5+ minutes of waiting depending if you fair first try or not
Reward: Covert Stab Vest
Advice: Do not worry if you fail the first couple times! The newbie guides I have previously mentioned discuss what jobs you should do as a beginner. You will want to continue doing intimidations as you complete other missions.

Congrats you have completed the beginner missions! Now onto the next phase!

Taking Care of Freinds I

Requirements: Visit the Town --> Visit Victor's Pet Shop --> Purchase a Dog House & a Dog
Cost: £10,000 for dog house & Price of Dog £5,000 - £30,000 for cheapest in shop
Reward: 1 Dog Food
Advice: Once you purchase your doghouse I recommend buying the cheapest dog available in the shop to get through the mission. If you do not have enough cash to purchase the cheapest dog, do the intimidation job until you have enough cash.
There are many rarities of Dog (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary) so what dog you choose here is not important. If you do have a legendary or epic dog in your shop (insanely unlikely), disregard this advice and consult global chat.

This leads us to the fun part of the missions, whacking other players!
Before going to the next mission make sure you have your Walther P38 and Covert Stab Vest Equipped in your inventory.

Earning Respect I

Requirements: Locate a level 1 player --> Beat them up!
Cost: 20 energy per attack
Reward: Bandage x10
Advice: This is the first challenging task as it requires you to find a target and then have enough stats to beat them up. The best way to find a target is to go to the search feature, and hit enter to view all players. Once you do this scroll through the pages until you find someone age 8 or above (when new player protection goes away) that has been inactive since day 1 to attack. If possible try to find someone who has 0 reputation. If you find a player like this and still lose you need to train your accuracy and strength higher (140 and 140 will be enough to beat a player like this).

Purchasing and equiping an M116 rifle as a primary weapon in Armed Surplus will also help, if you shoot me a message I will send you one.  Kyluhn is also offering a free starter pack to new players which includes an M116 and  Midnightrush is offering free meds to new players so feel free to message them!

Below is the recommended player to attack, the things to look for are highlighted in yellow. 

Earning Respect II

Requirements: Reach 500 Reputation
Cost: In game energy and irl time
Reward: £50,000
Advice: This is your first grind mission, once you have completed the previous mission and can successfully attack a player, I recommend finding other players you can attack and spending all of your energy on attacking them, try to find targets that will grant you more than 40 reputation (check out Sage's a path to becoming a repuation farmer guide as it gives good advice on gaining reputation faster). While waiting for energy to revamp you will want to work on intimidation jobs until you hit 5% skill. Once at that point start doing Farm robbery jobs (there is no penalty for failing jobs so do not worry) as it will still give reputation but provide fertilizer which you can sell for needed funds down the line.

Earning Respect III

Requirements: Reach 1200 Reputation
Cost: More in game energy and irl time
Reward: £75,000
Advice: Continue attacking and doing jobs like with the previous mission, move onto the fertilizer job if you have not as it will allow you to get cash needed for future missions.

Starting Productions 

Requirements: Visit Productions --> Unlock Street Crimes & Assign 1 Narco 
Cost: (Insert cost of buying street crimes here)
Reward: £100,000
Advice: If you have not recieved a narco yet continue gaining reputation as it may not have triggered yet (it should be around 1200 reputation)

Starting Expeditions I

Requirements: Visit the Bank --> Have a total of atleast £150,000 in bank
Cost: £5,000 (deposit fee)
Reward: £150,000
Advice: IMPORTANT!!! Make sure you deposit atleast £155,000 into the bank as there is a fee that is applied when you put money in! Also complete the mission BEFORE withdrawing the money otherwise it will not register. If you do not do one of those 2 things you will have to reinvest which will cost you another deposit fee.

Starting Expeditions II

Requirements: Visit Town --> Visit Julio's Club --> Recruit 3 Sicarios
Cost: £207,000 - £447,000
Reward: x3 Trench Coat, x3 Baseball Bat, x3 Renault Espace, x3 Italian Shoes
Advice: I recommend buying whatever Sicarios are available no matter their stats as you will be forming 3 teams of 5 in the future and the earlier you start expeditions the better. This is where the previous fertilizer jobs are important as they would allow you to purchase 3 of the £149,000 sicarios which is the most expensive your shop could offer.

Starting Expeditions III

Requirements: Visit Expeditions tab --> Navigate to the sicarios tab --> assign all 3 sicarios to team 1 --> Navigate to the Team Management Tab --> add items to each Sicario
Cost: Moving your mouse
Reward: £50,000
Advice: Use the items previously provided by Starting Expeditions II and equip all of them to the sicarios you have. They can be replaced later with higher level items if needed.

Starting Expeditions IIII

Requirements: Visit Expeditions Tab --> Start an Expedition
Cost: Moving your mouse more
Reward: £50,000
Advice: This mission is completed whether you succeed or fail the expedition. If you are looking for advice on how to effectively do expeditions there is not one currently (might be by the time you read this). I recommend finding someone in your cartel or a friendly individual on global in the mean time to ask.

A New Home I

Requirements: Visit Town --> Visit Estate Agents --> Purchase a Slum Plot
Cost: £25,000
Reward: x2 Brick
Advice: N/A

A New Home II

Requirements: Visit Town --> Visit Estate Agents --> Navigate to Build/Upgrade Property tab --> Build Shack
Cost: £10,000 and x2 Brick
Reward: x1 Mini Donator Pack
Advice: Do not claim this reward right away unless you already have donator/subscriber status! Wait until you have 75 points so you can do an energy refill each day to maximize its usage!. 
The above advice is from Andrew's Intro mission guide so thanks to him!

That sums up the introduction missions and the advice I would give for each one. If you see something you disagree with or advice that could be improved upon let me know and I will add it in! Feel free to thumb it up so more new players are able to see it!

Last Edited 05/07/2024, 02:37:06


4 months ago


43 Total Respect


43 Respect

4 months ago

       Cheers for the shout man!  yeah I offer M16s and Armoured Suits [The high end gear of the low end] in all starter packs!  And shoutout to my business partner Midnightrush for supplying meds      💜