Yinn's Newbie Diary

2 months ago


192 Total Respect


192 Respect

2 months ago

Huh, what do we have here? Another one, eh? So you’re here, and now you’re wondering, “What the hell should I do?” Well, let me drop some tips to get you started. Just remember, this is all based on my own opinions and what I’ve picked up in the game.

Alright, let’s get down to it. First off, focus on your Missions and nothing else. Yeah, it’s a grind, but that grind is what’s gonna get you set up and teach you the ropes. For all new players, Diablo got your back, but the protection is removed after 7 days— which means you’ll be welcomed with open arms, fists, and guns.

Table of Contents


So, you’ve noticed there’s a university, right? That’s where you’ll get your Int up and snag some other bonuses once you finish certain courses. Int is gonna be crucial—it affects job success, stat gains, all that good stuff. You can build Int by completing specific studies or by grinding it with your energy.

Start with the Medical Course:

  • Biology: Life, the Universe, and Everything
  • Drugs, Bugs, and Side Effects Galore
  • Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy-ish

Then grab these from the Business Course:

  • From Bosses to Profits: A Crash Course in Business Management
  • Dissecting the Mysteries of the Human Body (back to Medical)

Wrap up the rest of the Medical Course after that. This path should net you around 65 Int, plus a sweet 10 Int bonus from one of the missions.

For training Int, aim to start at 70-80 to get the max gain and the max Int is 1200.

Int Guides - Education Guides



What the hell are these? Yeah, I had the same reaction. So here’s the deal: jobs are where you’ll grind your first stack until you’ve got enough rep to unlock production. There are three types of jobs:

  • Standard – Gives rep and money, with the occasional Personal Favor.
  • Robbery – Gives rep, money, and resources for production/construction.
  • Advanced – Loads of rep and money.

But here’s the kicker: you can’t just jump into Advanced Jobs and skip the others. Why? Because of the success rate, my dude. Remember when I said Int is essential? This is one of the reasons why. You gotta build up your Int before diving into the heavy-duty jobs. Also, there’s Global XP, which is gonna help you down the road. As you build Global XP, tougher jobs get easier. And that progress bar under each job? It’s tracking your experience with that job—fill it up, and your chances of success go up. Hit 100%, and you can prestige, choosing between a time reduction (10%) or a reward increase (20%).

Oh, and you can fail a job. When that happens, you’ll either get nothing, get jailed, or end up in the hospital. If you get jailed, use a Personal Favor. If you’re in the hospital, you can either wait it out or use Medical Items to get back on your feet.

The best way to do this is get Intimidation to at least 5% then proceed to either Arson or Farm depending on what you want. Arson = Rep while Farm = Money / Lower Rep. As for Prestige the best to get is Time Reduction as the Rep you earn per hour is also increased as the Reward Increase doesnt increase Rep gains.

Jobs Guides


Is this important? Hell yeah, it is! Rep is king in this game, right next to Int. Why? Because it’s the key to unlocking the whole damn game! Your goal is to hit 160k ASAP, ‘cause that’s when the real game begins (more on that in Productions).

You earn rep by doing Jobs, attacking, and defending successfully. There’s a bunch of rep guides out there, so I won’t get into the nitty-gritty, but here’s the gist: you gain more rep by attacking higher-level targets. There’s also something called a Fair Fight Multiplier (FFM) that multiplies your rep based on the stat difference between you and your target. The higher the target’s stats, the higher the FFM (max is 3x).

Rep Guides


So, you wanna make some real money? You’re in the right place, but first, you need to unlock production by getting 1,200 rep:

  • Street Crimes – 1,200 rep
  • Doctor’s Office – every 10,000 rep
  • Weed Field – every 40,000 rep
  • Alcohol Still – every 80,000 rep
  • Cocaine Factory – every 160,000 rep

These productions need narcos—basically, slaves who work around the clock doing your dirty work. Make sure they don’t screw up your operation. Production needs materials, which you get from Jobs (remember when I mentioned Robbery Jobs?).

Now, you see why I said to hit 160k Rep ASAP? Yeah, you need to get that white stuff—or whatever you call it these days—get your passive income. By then, you’ll know the game better, so I won’t go too deep into this right now.


Who wants to live in a shack forever? No one! So, save up and build yourself a cozy Town House. It'll set you back around 11-12m+, depending on the market, and take 7 days to finish construction. Focus on the essentials first, like upgrading your Vault for extra Money Storage to avoid getting Mugged—because the Bank isn't worth the fees right now. Max that out, then move on to other upgrades like the Home Study (which reduces University course times) and the Library (which boosts your Int gains).

Once you're settled in, it's time to aim higher. Start saving for the big one: a Private Estate. This beast will cost you roughly 350-400m+, again depending on the market, and will take a full month to construct. Follow the same upgrade process—Vault first, then the rest. This will boost your Int gains and Stat gains  significantly increases maxed Int. As for the other properties? Not really worth your time.


Want more Slaves to do your bidding, huh? Well, Expedition is right for you! This time, instead of Narcos, we have what you call Sicarios—basically a new type of slave. When buying new Sicarios, you have to consider your team composition. My recommendation is 2 Caution / 2 Morale / 1 Combat. I won't go in-depth on this, as there's already a comprehensive guide available in the forum

Expedition Guides

Battle Stats

Ready to throw down? Your Battle Stats are your arsenal when you're attacking or defending other players. These include Strength, Defense, Agility, and Accuracy—each playing a crucial role in how you fare in a fight. Pump up these stats through Gym training and get ready to dominate.

Strength: This is all about hitting hard. It measures your capacity to deal damage and overcome your opponent's Defense. The stronger you are compared to their Defense, the more damage you dish out.

Defense: This is your shield. It determines how well you can reduce or block incoming damage. A higher Defense compared to your opponent's Strength means less damage taken. Think of it as your personal armor.

Agility: Speed is the name of the game here. Agility affects how well you can dodge attacks. The higher your Agility relative to their Accuracy, the more likely you are to avoid their hits.

Accuracy: This stat decides how often you land your hits. It’s compared to your opponent’s Agility to determine if your attacks connect. Boosting Accuracy means you’ll hit your target more often.

STATS: In battles, stats split into defensive and offensive categories. Defense and Agility fall under defensive stats—these help mitigate damage and dodge attacks. On the flip side, Strength and Accuracy are offensive stats, boosting your damage and hit rate.

Ratios: Want to be OP? There’s no one-size-fits-all here, but you can experiment with ratios. You might go for balanced stats like (25/25/25/25) or focus on one stat heavily, like (1/0.5/1.5/1). There are various strategies: Pure, Focused, or Balanced builds. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, so pick wisely based on your play style.

TRAINING: Training stats isn’t just about hitting the gym. It's influenced by your Intelligence, courses, and cartel perks. More stats mean better gains, and the growth is exponential. So, get your Int up to maximize your training efficiency.

Here are some build examples to get you started. Feel free to tweak and create your own:

  • Speed Ratio - (M) [Pure Agi] (0/0/100/0)
    • Pros: High dodge rate, tough to hit, high stat per energy.
    • Cons: Low damage, vulnerable to Acc-focused builds, requires constant Agi investment.
  • Hank's Ratio - (T) [3 stats with Def focus] (1.25/1/1/0)
    • Pros: Excellent damage mitigation, wastes opponents' speed.
    • Cons: Expensive gear and consumables, works best when your Def is higher.
  • Baldr's Ratio - (T) [Balanced but focus on 2 stats] (30/20/30/20)
    • Pros: Flexible, balanced, easy to adjust.
    • Cons: Slow to grow, some trade-offs in other stats.

As you can see, there are many ways to build your stats. Explore, experiment, and find what works best for you. And remember, keep that Intelligence up—it's crucial for maximizing your gains!

Battle Stat Guides


So you wanna fight, huh? Well, here’s how to do it right:

  • Target Weaknesses – Look for targets with low stats in areas you’re strong in. This will give you an advantage and increase your chances of winning.
  • Use Items – Equip yourself with weapons and other items to give yourself an edge in battle. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-placed item!
  • Focus on FFM – Fair Fight Multiplier (FFM) is crucial for maximizing your rep gain. Pick targets with a high FFM to make the most of your attacks. For more on FFM, check out the Reputation section.

Now, there are three main types of attacks you can use:

  • Attack – This is your basic attack that primarily boosts your rep. Aim for targets that match your strengths and maximize your rep gain.
  • Hospitalize – Use this attack to put your target in the hospital for an extended period. It’s more effective for long-term disruption, but be strategic about who you target.
  • Mug – Similar to Hospitalize but with a shorter timer and lower rep gain. It’s primarily used for earning money quickly.

As I mentioned in the Reputation section, targeting high FFM opponents is key to increasing your rep efficiently. And remember, if you lose a fight, you might end up in the hospital, so choose your targets wisely and make sure to heal up before your next battle.

Attacking Guides


So, you think you can just pop pills, chug booze, and patch yourself up indefinitely? Think again. The game’s got built-in brakes to keep things in check—enter the Cooldowns. These bad boys ensure you don’t turn into an unstoppable force. Once you hit that limit, you’re benched until the timer runs out. No way around it.

Alcohol Items

Alcohol isn’t just for unwinding after a hard day of crime; it’s your ticket to an energy boost. Every drink adds to your Booster Cooldown, which also maxes out at 24 hours. Use these wisely—overuse will leave you waiting to regain that extra energy. Remember, moderation is key to maintaining your edge without hitting the cooldown limit.

  • Corana Beer: Often served with a wedge of lime, what better way to unwind than with a cool Corana Beer? Provides a minor boost to energy.
    Effect: Increases energy by 5. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories
  • Mexcal Beer: A unique bitterness gives it its distinctive flavor. Perfect for those who like a little edge with their energy boost.
    Effect: Increases energy by 10. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories
  • Blancoda Tequila: When life’s got you down, a glass of Blancoda Tequila is all you need.
    Effect: Increases energy by 15. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories
  • Repose Tequila: Aged for 12 months, this tequila gives a complex taste and a solid energy boost.
    Effect: Increases energy by 20. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories
  • Anejo Tequila: Strong enough to strip away your crimes’ guilt—if you can afford it.
    Effect: Increases energy by 25. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories
  • Raicilla: Wild, rustic, and potent enough to lead you into trouble.
    Effect: Increases energy by 30. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories

Drug Items

Drugs in Cartel Empire aren’t just about getting high; they’re about power—until they aren’t. These items will jack up your stats, but watch out: overdoing it can lead to an overdose, which can leave you worse off than when you started. Each use increases your Drug Cooldown, capping out at 24 hours. No more drug boosts until you wait out the full cooldown. Max out your usage, and you’ll be on a long road to recovery.

  • Cannabis: Grown with love by discerning narcos, this herb will melt your worries and crank up your defense.
    Effect: Increases Defense by 30% for 15 minutes. Increases Drug cooldown by 60 minutes. Possible overdose effect of -10% to all Combat Stats.
    Source: Weed Field Production
  • Cocaine: Pure, potent, and perilous—this drug gives you untamed energy but could lead you straight to the Hospital.
    Effect: Increases Energy by 50. Increases drug cooldown by 3 hours. Decreases all Stats by 5%. Possible overdose effect of -20% to all Combat Stats.
    Source: Cocaine Factory Production
  • Glittering Gift: A special treat wrapped in gold and silver, giving you a massive energy boost during the holiday season.
    Effect: Increases Energy by 100. Increases drug cooldown by 6 hours.
    Source: Christmas Event

Medical Items

When the bullets start flying, Medical Items are your best friend. They’ll patch you up and get you out of the hospital, but overusing them will push up your Medical Cooldown, which maxes out at 12 hours. Use them strategically to avoid getting stuck waiting while your enemies close in. Keep an eye on your cooldown to ensure you’re always ready for the next fight.

  • Bandage: Basic first aid to cover small cuts and stop bleeding.
    Effect: Restores 5% of Life. Reduces Hospital time by 10 minutes. Increases Medical cooldown by 10 minutes.
    Source: Pharmacy, Productions
  • Small Medical Kit: A portable kit with essentials for minor injuries.
    Effect: Restores 10% of Life. Reduces Hospital time by 15 minutes. Increases Medical cooldown by 15 minutes.
    Source: Pharmacy, Productions
  • Large Medical Kit: An advanced kit for significant healing.
    Effect: Restores 15% of Life. Reduces Hospital time by 60 minutes. Increases Medical cooldown by 60 minutes.
    Source: Pharmacy, Productions
  • Basic Trauma Kit: Designed for combat wounds, this kit stabilizes and heals.
    Effect: Restores 20% of Life. Reduces Hospital time by 80 minutes. Increases Medical cooldown by 80 minutes.
    Source: Productions
  • Large Trauma Kit: The ultimate in first aid for severe injuries.
    Effect: Restores 30% of Life. Reduces Hospital time by 120 minutes. Increases Medical cooldown by 120 minutes.
    Source: Productions

Tainted Medical Items

Some Medical Items are just plain bad news—tainted during production, these ‘medicines’ will do the opposite of what you’d expect. Use at your own risk.

  • Tainted Cannabis: Moldy, rotten, and guaranteed to mess you up. You’ll wish you never lit this one.
    Effect: Reduces Life to 0 and sends you to Hospital for up to 1 hour. Increases Medical cooldown by 30 minutes.
    Source: Productions
  • Tainted Cocaine: A dark secret lies within, turning this once pure product into a nightmare in a bag.
    Effect: Reduces Life to 0 and sends you to Hospital for up to 3 hours. Increases Medical cooldown by 90 minutes.
    Source: Productions


Alright, let’s keep it straightforward. Levelling up isn’t always the golden ticket. Here’s the deal:

If you’re just starting out or don’t want to be a target, it’s wise to keep your level steady. As mentioned in the Reputation section, your rep gains depend on the level difference between attackers and defenders. If you’re lower level than your attacker, you’ll get more rep, provided your FFM is solid.

However, the benefits of levelling up are pretty slim early on. Sure, you get more health, but the cons often outweigh the pros until you’re ready to defend yourself. Until you’re equipped to handle the heat, keeping your level in check is usually the smarter move.

So, don’t rush to level up just for the sake of it. Play it smart and keep your level manageable until you’ve got the means to back it up.


To be continued...

That’s it for now, folks. I’ll add more when I’ve got the time. Remember, stay high.

Last Edited 12/10/2024, 03:42:09


Life is like a cup of coffee: strong, warm, and full of flavor. ☕️✨

Feel free to reach out if you need any help or just want to chat.


2 months ago


844 Total Respect


844 Respect

2 months ago

Brilliant guide Yinn and I love the tone of it

Creator of Cartel Empire, hope you enjoy!

about 1 month ago


192 Total Respect


192 Respect

about 1 month ago



Life is like a cup of coffee: strong, warm, and full of flavor. ☕️✨

Feel free to reach out if you need any help or just want to chat.

25 days ago


5 Total Respect


5 Respect

25 days ago

Huh, what do we have here? Another one, eh? So you’re here, and now you’re wondering, “What the hell should I do?” Well, let me drop some tips to get you started. Just remember, this is all based on my own opinions and what I’ve picked up in the game.

Alright, let’s get down to it. First off, focus on your Missions and nothing else. Yeah, it’s a grind, but that grind is what’s gonna get you set up and teach you the ropes. For all new players, Diablo got your back, but the protection is removed after 7 days— which means you’ll be welcomed with open arms, fists, and guns.

Table of Contents


So, you’ve noticed there’s a university, right? That’s where you’ll get your Int up and snag some other bonuses once you finish certain courses. Int is gonna be crucial—it affects job success, stat gains, all that good stuff. You can build Int by completing specific studies or by grinding it with your energy.

Start with the Medical Course:

  • Biology: Life, the Universe, and Everything
  • Drugs, Bugs, and Side Effects Galore
  • Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy-ish

Then grab these from the Business Course:

  • From Bosses to Profits: A Crash Course in Business Management
  • Dissecting the Mysteries of the Human Body (back to Medical)

Wrap up the rest of the Medical Course after that. This path should net you around 65 Int, plus a sweet 10 Int bonus from one of the missions.

For training Int, aim to start at 70-80 to get the max gain and the max Int is 1200.

Int Guides - Education Guides



What the hell are these? Yeah, I had the same reaction. So here’s the deal: jobs are where you’ll grind your first stack until you’ve got enough rep to unlock production. There are three types of jobs:

  • Standard – Gives rep and money, with the occasional Personal Favor.
  • Robbery – Gives rep, money, and resources for production/construction.
  • Advanced – Loads of rep and money.

But here’s the kicker: you can’t just jump into Advanced Jobs and skip the others. Why? Because of the success rate, my dude. Remember when I said Int is essential? This is one of the reasons why. You gotta build up your Int before diving into the heavy-duty jobs. Also, there’s Global XP, which is gonna help you down the road. As you build Global XP, tougher jobs get easier. And that progress bar under each job? It’s tracking your experience with that job—fill it up, and your chances of success go up. Hit 100%, and you can prestige, choosing between a time reduction (10%) or a reward increase (20%).

Oh, and you can fail a job. When that happens, you’ll either get nothing, get jailed, or end up in the hospital. If you get jailed, use a Personal Favor. If you’re in the hospital, you can either wait it out or use Medical Items to get back on your feet.

The best way to do this is get Intimidation to at least 5% then proceed to either Arson or Farm depending on what you want. Arson = Rep while Farm = Money / Lower Rep. As for Prestige the best to get is Time Reduction as the Rep you earn per hour is also increased as the Reward Increase doesnt increase Rep gains.

Jobs Guides


Is this important? Hell yeah, it is! Rep is king in this game, right next to Int. Why? Because it’s the key to unlocking the whole damn game! Your goal is to hit 160k ASAP, ‘cause that’s when the real game begins (more on that in Productions).

You earn rep by doing Jobs, attacking, and defending successfully. There’s a bunch of rep guides out there, so I won’t get into the nitty-gritty, but here’s the gist: you gain more rep by attacking higher-level targets. There’s also something called a Fair Fight Multiplier (FFM) that multiplies your rep based on the stat difference between you and your target. The higher the target’s stats, the higher the FFM (max is 3x).

Rep Guides


So, you wanna make some real money? You’re in the right place, but first, you need to unlock production by getting 1,200 rep:

  • Street Crimes – 1,200 rep
  • Doctor’s Office – every 10,000 rep
  • Weed Field – every 40,000 rep
  • Alcohol Still – every 80,000 rep
  • Cocaine Factory – every 160,000 rep

These productions need narcos—basically, slaves who work around the clock doing your dirty work. Make sure they don’t screw up your operation. Production needs materials, which you get from Jobs (remember when I mentioned Robbery Jobs?).

Now, you see why I said to hit 160k Rep ASAP? Yeah, you need to get that white stuff—or whatever you call it these days—get your passive income. By then, you’ll know the game better, so I won’t go too deep into this right now.


Who wants to live in a shack forever? No one! So, save up and build yourself a cozy Town House. It'll set you back around 11-12m+, depending on the market, and take 7 days to finish construction. Focus on the essentials first, like upgrading your Vault for extra Money Storage to avoid getting Mugged—because the Bank isn't worth the fees right now. Max that out, then move on to other upgrades like the Home Study (which reduces University course times) and the Library (which boosts your Int gains).

Once you're settled in, it's time to aim higher. Start saving for the big one: a Private Estate. This beast will cost you roughly 350-400m+, again depending on the market, and will take a full month to construct. Follow the same upgrade process—Vault first, then the rest. This will boost your Int gains and Stat gains  significantly increases maxed Int. As for the other properties? Not really worth your time.


Want more Slaves to do your bidding, huh? Well, Expedition is right for you! This time, instead of Narcos, we have what you call Sicarios—basically a new type of slave. When buying new Sicarios, you have to consider your team composition. My recommendation is 2 Caution / 2 Morale / 1 Combat. I won't go in-depth on this, as there's already a comprehensive guide available in the forum

Expedition Guides

Battle Stats

Ready to throw down? Your Battle Stats are your arsenal when you're attacking or defending other players. These include Strength, Defense, Agility, and Accuracy—each playing a crucial role in how you fare in a fight. Pump up these stats through Gym training and get ready to dominate.

Strength: This is all about hitting hard. It measures your capacity to deal damage and overcome your opponent's Defense. The stronger you are compared to their Defense, the more damage you dish out.

Defense: This is your shield. It determines how well you can reduce or block incoming damage. A higher Defense compared to your opponent's Strength means less damage taken. Think of it as your personal armor.

Agility: Speed is the name of the game here. Agility affects how well you can dodge attacks. The higher your Agility relative to their Accuracy, the more likely you are to avoid their hits.

Accuracy: This stat decides how often you land your hits. It’s compared to your opponent’s Agility to determine if your attacks connect. Boosting Accuracy means you’ll hit your target more often.

STATS: In battles, stats split into defensive and offensive categories. Defense and Agility fall under defensive stats—these help mitigate damage and dodge attacks. On the flip side, Strength and Accuracy are offensive stats, boosting your damage and hit rate.

Ratios: Want to be OP? There’s no one-size-fits-all here, but you can experiment with ratios. You might go for balanced stats like (25/25/25/25) or focus on one stat heavily, like (1/0.5/1.5/1). There are various strategies: Pure, Focused, or Balanced builds. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, so pick wisely based on your play style.

TRAINING: Training stats isn’t just about hitting the gym. It's influenced by your Intelligence, courses, and cartel perks. More stats mean better gains, and the growth is exponential. So, get your Int up to maximize your training efficiency.

Here are some build examples to get you started. Feel free to tweak and create your own:

  • Speed Ratio - (M) [Pure Agi] (0/0/100/0)
    • Pros: High dodge rate, tough to hit, high stat per energy.
    • Cons: Low damage, vulnerable to Acc-focused builds, requires constant Agi investment.
  • Hank's Ratio - (T) [3 stats with Def focus] (1.25/1/1/0)
    • Pros: Excellent damage mitigation, wastes opponents' speed.
    • Cons: Expensive gear and consumables, works best when your Def is higher.
  • Baldr's Ratio - (T) [Balanced but focus on 2 stats] (30/20/30/20)
    • Pros: Flexible, balanced, easy to adjust.
    • Cons: Slow to grow, some trade-offs in other stats.

As you can see, there are many ways to build your stats. Explore, experiment, and find what works best for you. And remember, keep that Intelligence up—it's crucial for maximizing your gains!

Battle Stat Guides


So you wanna fight, huh? Well, here’s how to do it right:

  • Target Weaknesses – Look for targets with low stats in areas you’re strong in. This will give you an advantage and increase your chances of winning.
  • Use Items – Equip yourself with weapons and other items to give yourself an edge in battle. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-placed item!
  • Focus on FFM – Fair Fight Multiplier (FFM) is crucial for maximizing your rep gain. Pick targets with a high FFM to make the most of your attacks. For more on FFM, check out the Reputation section.

Now, there are three main types of attacks you can use:

  • Attack – This is your basic attack that primarily boosts your rep. Aim for targets that match your strengths and maximize your rep gain.
  • Hospitalize – Use this attack to put your target in the hospital for an extended period. It’s more effective for long-term disruption, but be strategic about who you target.
  • Mug – Similar to Hospitalize but with a shorter timer and lower rep gain. It’s primarily used for earning money quickly.

As I mentioned in the Reputation section, targeting high FFM opponents is key to increasing your rep efficiently. And remember, if you lose a fight, you might end up in the hospital, so choose your targets wisely and make sure to heal up before your next battle.

Attacking Guides


So, you think you can just pop pills, chug booze, and patch yourself up indefinitely? Think again. The game’s got built-in brakes to keep things in check—enter the Cooldowns. These bad boys ensure you don’t turn into an unstoppable force. Once you hit that limit, you’re benched until the timer runs out. No way around it.

Alcohol Items

Alcohol isn’t just for unwinding after a hard day of crime; it’s your ticket to an energy boost. Every drink adds to your Booster Cooldown, which also maxes out at 24 hours. Use these wisely—overuse will leave you waiting to regain that extra energy. Remember, moderation is key to maintaining your edge without hitting the cooldown limit.

  • Corana Beer: Often served with a wedge of lime, what better way to unwind than with a cool Corana Beer? Provides a minor boost to energy.
    Effect: Increases energy by 5. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories
  • Mexcal Beer: A unique bitterness gives it its distinctive flavor. Perfect for those who like a little edge with their energy boost.
    Effect: Increases energy by 10. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories
  • Blancoda Tequila: When life’s got you down, a glass of Blancoda Tequila is all you need.
    Effect: Increases energy by 15. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories
  • Repose Tequila: Aged for 12 months, this tequila gives a complex taste and a solid energy boost.
    Effect: Increases energy by 20. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories
  • Anejo Tequila: Strong enough to strip away your crimes’ guilt—if you can afford it.
    Effect: Increases energy by 25. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories
  • Raicilla: Wild, rustic, and potent enough to lead you into trouble.
    Effect: Increases energy by 30. Increases Booster cooldown by 2 hours.
    Source: Productions, Territories

Drug Items

Drugs in Cartel Empire aren’t just about getting high; they’re about power—until they aren’t. These items will jack up your stats, but watch out: overdoing it can lead to an overdose, which can leave you worse off than when you started. Each use increases your Drug Cooldown, capping out at 24 hours. No more drug boosts until you wait out the full cooldown. Max out your usage, and you’ll be on a long road to recovery.

  • Cannabis: Grown with love by discerning narcos, this herb will melt your worries and crank up your defense.
    Effect: Increases Defense by 30% for 15 minutes. Increases Drug cooldown by 60 minutes. Possible overdose effect of -10% to all Combat Stats.
    Source: Weed Field Production
  • Cocaine: Pure, potent, and perilous—this drug gives you untamed energy but could lead you straight to the Hospital.
    Effect: Increases Energy by 50. Increases drug cooldown by 3 hours. Decreases all Stats by 5%. Possible overdose effect of -20% to all Combat Stats.
    Source: Cocaine Factory Production
  • Glittering Gift: A special treat wrapped in gold and silver, giving you a massive energy boost during the holiday season.
    Effect: Increases Energy by 100. Increases drug cooldown by 6 hours.
    Source: Christmas Event

Medical Items

When the bullets start flying, Medical Items are your best friend. They’ll patch you up and get you out of the hospital, but overusing them will push up your Medical Cooldown, which maxes out at 12 hours. Use them strategically to avoid getting stuck waiting while your enemies close in. Keep an eye on your cooldown to ensure you’re always ready for the next fight.

  • Bandage: Basic first aid to cover small cuts and stop bleeding.
    Effect: Restores 5% of Life. Reduces Hospital time by 10 minutes. Increases Medical cooldown by 10 minutes.
    Source: Pharmacy, Productions
  • Small Medical Kit: A portable kit with essentials for minor injuries.
    Effect: Restores 10% of Life. Reduces Hospital time by 15 minutes. Increases Medical cooldown by 15 minutes.
    Source: Pharmacy, Productions
  • Large Medical Kit: An advanced kit for significant healing.
    Effect: Restores 15% of Life. Reduces Hospital time by 60 minutes. Increases Medical cooldown by 60 minutes.
    Source: Pharmacy, Productions
  • Basic Trauma Kit: Designed for combat wounds, this kit stabilizes and heals.
    Effect: Restores 20% of Life. Reduces Hospital time by 80 minutes. Increases Medical cooldown by 80 minutes.
    Source: Productions
  • Large Trauma Kit: The ultimate in first aid for severe injuries.
    Effect: Restores 30% of Life. Reduces Hospital time by 120 minutes. Increases Medical cooldown by 120 minutes.
    Source: Productions

Tainted Medical Items

Some Medical Items are just plain bad news—tainted during production, these ‘medicines’ will do the opposite of what you’d expect. Use at your own risk.

  • Tainted Cannabis: Moldy, rotten, and guaranteed to mess you up. You’ll wish you never lit this one.
    Effect: Reduces Life to 0 and sends you to Hospital for up to 1 hour. Increases Medical cooldown by 30 minutes.
    Source: Productions
  • Tainted Cocaine: A dark secret lies within, turning this once pure product into a nightmare in a bag.
    Effect: Reduces Life to 0 and sends you to Hospital for up to 3 hours. Increases Medical cooldown by 90 minutes.
    Source: Productions


Alright, let’s keep it straightforward. Levelling up isn’t always the golden ticket. Here’s the deal:

If you’re just starting out or don’t want to be a target, it’s wise to keep your level steady. As mentioned in the Reputation section, your rep gains depend on the level difference between attackers and defenders. If you’re higher level than your attacker, you’ll get more rep, provided your FFM is solid.

However, the benefits of levelling up are pretty slim early on. Sure, you get more health, but the cons often outweigh the pros until you’re ready to defend yourself. Until you’re equipped to handle the heat, keeping your level in check is usually the smarter move.

So, don’t rush to level up just for the sake of it. Play it smart and keep your level manageable until you’ve got the means to back it up.


To be continued...

That’s it for now, folks. I’ll add more when I’ve got the time. Remember, stay high.

YINN - 15/08/2024, 22:27:55

Is there a next step after getting town house and its minimum cost to get it, and why? sorry I'm new and curious cause its already have to obtain cash in the game, also I wish to know the fastest way to earn money in your opinion since from day one I follow your steps

15 days ago


77 Total Respect


77 Respect

15 days ago

Bravo.  What an awesome guide from an awesome player 

"I'm just an alien disguised as a dude having an existential crisis."

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